The Easter bunny brought Maddy some egg-shaped sidewalk chalk. We decided to give it a go tonight. Maddy thoroughly enjoyed the artistic freedom it allowed her... Who needs to be confined to one lousy piece of paper when you can have the whole driveway to express yourself?!?! HaHaHa. Here are the pictures, and one short video from our adventure with sidewalk chalk:
The Chalk...

What to draw... What to draw...

Ah ha! I've got it!

Happy Camper...

Show us your muscles!!

Did you ever wonder what a toddler's chalk outline looks like? Squirmy!!

Looks like she drew it, doesn't it? I mean, why, yes, my child genius drew this!! ;)

What do you hear?!?!

AIRPLANE!!! (Thank goodness we live on the final approach for the airport... It'll be even better when we live on base in Del Rio!!)

Happy kid... These are her 2 new favorite words. I suppose it could be worse, but by the time you've heard them for the 1,000,000th time for the day, you're ready for the her vocabulary to expand... Just a little!! ;)
We had so much fun outside, but she told me two times that she was "all done", so I packed up the chalk and headed inside. What happened next is beyond my comprehension...
Please note the red face and the angry clenched fist...

...And the reaching with all her might for the door handle...

Yep... She cried for about 20 minutes. Apparently, my pregnancy-induced indecisiveness has rubbed off on her...

Once she saw that the Wonder Pets were on TV, and she got her cup of milk, she calmed down. Terrible two temper tantrums, here we come!!! :)
I hope everyone has a good night. I'm going to go lay down and read. I just got 2 new books in the mail yesterday (thanks, Mom), and I started one last night. It's really good, and one of those "I don't want to put it down" kind of books, so why am I still rambling on here?!?!
Talk to you later!
Love you guys!!