This afternoon my mom and I took Maddy to
Discovery Place. It's one of those hands-on kids science museums. I've always loved those... Still do, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!! :) Since Maddy had to ride home in just her Pull-Up, I'd say the adventure was a SUCCESS!! HaHaHa! :) There is a special room just for people Maddy's size, and she LOVED it!! The room had a water table (pictures to follow) which Maddy couldn't get enough of... Hence, riding home almost naked!! After we were in the kids room, we went upstairs to explore the other exhibits. My mom made Maddy a princess crown out of aluminum foil, which Maddy seemed to enjoy. The whole time we were upstairs, however, Maddy kept asking to go back to the water table, so once we saw what was upstairs, we headed back down... to the water table. I really think that if we'd done nothing other than the water table, Maddy would have been perfectly satisfied. LoL. Here are some pictures of our big day!!
Our first time at the water table:

A GIANT Light Brite!!!

Making music with pots and pans:

Looking like she's going to beat that kid up... Don't worry... She was sharing:

Even Mom got in on the fun...

Heading in for round 2 at the water table...

Check out the extreme concentration (tongue sticking out):

Upstairs checking ourselves out on the "TV":

Maddy in front of the Eiffel Tower made out of blocks:

Heading into a round room with lights on the floor that made music when you stepped on them... There was a fog machine in the doorway that Maddy really liked:

See? She RAN in and out of the room to go through the fog (over and over and over and well, you get the point):

Maddy's foil crown. Isn't she lovely? Sing it!! :)

In other news, Chris and April came to visit this weekend. Here are Maddy and Uncle Chris taking a little snooze...

Last, but not least, Bryan and I have some exciting news. Those of you who are on Facebook probably already know it, but we bought a 2009 Pontiac G8!!! Bryan has been wanting one for quite some time. We found one in Charlotte, so my dad and I went to take a look at it yesterday, and made an offer. We'll head back in the morning to fill out the paperwork and get the keys. I hope that Bryan enjoys his Father's Day gift... ;) We're going to get it to Atlanta (haven't decided how it'll get there yet), so that after Grandpop's birthday party, we can drive it home. After I pick it up tomorrow, I'll try to post some pictures...
Talk to everyone soon!!
Love you guys!! :)