I would like to start this blog with the idea that the word "excitement" takes on a whole new meaning as you get older. When you're a kid, "excitement" is something major and earth-shattering. Now that I'm a little older, "excitement" doesn't have to come in such a huge package... I think that's a good thing. That means that we're, in a sense, easier to please as we get older... So, here's what's exciting at our house:
:::Mini Blinds:::
Yesterday, I took on the task of taking down all the mini blinds and washing them. This was quite an undertaking, but I'm THRILLED that I got it done!! Who knew that our blinds were ACTUALLY white under all that dust?!?! HaHaHa. Even though the "normal" chores haven't been accomplished yet this week, I still feel like the house is cleaner having this MAJOR chore done!!
Keeping in line with my "spring cleaning" frenzy, I also took the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and cleaned all the interior doors yesterday. I went through 2 of the Magic Erasers, which kind of grossed me out, but they look much better!! I DID, however, come to the resolution that unless we repaint the doors, they won't look "perfect" again. Oh well... At least they're cleaner than they were. What's in store today?!?! Hopefully the switchplate covers and plug covers. We'll see!!
:::New Bathing Suit:::
Another change that happens as you get older is you get excited for other people more easily. That being said, Maddy got her first bathing suit the other day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Granted, she couldn't care less about this purchase, but I happen to think she's ADORABLE. What do you think?!?!

:::Tax Refund:::
Today, our tax refund hit the bank. I got up and checked the bank account online, which is something I do EVERY morning, and there was more money in there than when I went to bed last night. I LOVE it when I earn money while I sleep. Now that our tax refund is here, we'll be able to pay off my car this evening. What a GREAT feeling!!!! We're pretty dang excited about that!! I think that deserves a WOO-HOO!!
:::Baby Dahlin:::
One of the girls I hang out with at all the spouses' events for Bryan's squadron had their baby on Monday. He's a real cutie!! I've only seen pictures, but he looks like a doll!! I can't wait to meet him soon! If I get any good pictures of him, and his parents give me permission, I'll post some for you to take a gander!!
I may be jumping the gun on this one a bit, but I think I may see another little tooth bud in Miss Maddy's mouth. The reason I'm not 100% sure that that's what I'm looking at is because it's not where the next tooth SHOULD be coming in. This crazy kid is going to have a mouthful of teeth before her first birthday!! Crazy, huh?!?! Oh well... I'll keep you posted if that is, indeed, what I saw this morning!
Tonight, our friends Bailey and Marshal will be coming over to join us for an evening of fondue. When we were hanging out with them one night, we mentioned that we liked to do fondue, and they got all kinds of excited (see the recurring theme?)... We've been talking ever since about getting together to have a fondue night... and here we are!! I'll have to let you know how it goes!! :)
I have three packages that are supposed to be delivered today via UPS. We don't get packages very often, so to get three in one day is pretty, well, exciting!! One is our Wii, which had to be returned to Nintendo because it was not working properly. Now we should be able to play our Wii... The other two are from my mom. I was told to call her when they arrive "for further instructions". This makes the receiving of the packages that much more EXCITING... Wonder what's in them?!?!
Miss Maddy has started to giggle a little more lately, which is fun, and, you guessed it, exciting!! I LOVE to hear her giggle!! She even shrugs her little shoulders when she giggles sometimes. Sooo cute...
So, like I said, "excitement" as you get older takes on a whole new meaning... What's exciting in your lives?!?!
Love you guys!!