While they were visiting lots happened. Some good... Some, well, not so good...
We'll start with the not so good (the bad news, if you will)... Bryan's family arrived on Saturday afternoon, and it was pretty warm outside. We turned the A/C on about an hour before their arrival to make sure that the house was nice and comfortable when they got here. About an hour AFTER their arrival, we all began to realize that we were very toasty. I decided to try to bump the thermostat down a little. When I looked at the thermostat, it said it was 83 degrees in our house with a target temperature of 77. The fact that it had been running for at least 2 hours at this point was a MAJOR red flag to me. I told Bryan that I thought we had a problem. Yep, sure enough... our A/C died on us!! What better timing?!?! We have a houseful of company and NO AIR CONDITIONG!! Thankfully, or so we thought, it cooled off outside for the next 2 days. We only thought this was a good thing, but since we have a heat pump, and not a separate furnace, our heater wasn't working either. I am happy to report that the A/C repairman just left our house about 30 minutes ago, and after replacing the pressure switch outside, we are back in business!!
The good news, if you will, from their visit is the patio extension that Bryan and his dad built. We have been wanting to lay some paving stones next to our existing patio to put the grill on. While Bryan's family was here, Bryan and his dad accomplished this goal. Check out the pictures:
Now, I'll leave you with a pretty comical video. Last night after everyone was in bed, Bryan and I were sitting on the couch doing some end of the evening e-mail checking when we heard something strange on the baby monitor. I kept listening and just could not figure out what was going on. I didn't know if Maddy was waking up, moving around, if we were catching interference from somewhere else. I had no idea what was going on. I got really curious and poked my head in her room... and this is what I heard... (NOTE: It was dark outside, thus it was dark in Maddy's room, so the video is completely black. Just listen!!)
Yep. That's Miss Maddy... that tiny little girl... SNORING like a lumberjack!!! Pretty funny, huh?!?! I guess she was just pain worn out!!
I hope all of you had a good weekend. I know we did!! I've been playing catch-up with the laundry all day today. Bryan just left for work (he's flying tonight), so we've been hanging out today. My friend Jess and I are going for a walk later this afternoon, then Maddy and I are going to hit the hay early tonight!!!
Until next time...
Love you guys!! :)
Great audio!!! Poor baby, she comes from a long line of snoring folks!!! Looks like you all had a great weekend. I can't wait until we get our turn with Miss Maddy in a couple of weeks. Give her a big hug and kiss from grandmom and grandpop.....
We love you guys!!!
AMAZING!! She rolled over early, sat up before expected, sprouted teeth ahead of schedule and now this!!
You may want to sign her up for social security next week; right after she starts driving...
It's a good thing Maddy sleeps alone. I know how that snoring thing works. It never gets better.
Glad the AC fix was a simply one. Those photos show lots of happy people holding the world's cutest baby.
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