Bryan is officially T-6 complete!!! For those of you who don't speak UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) lingo, that simply means that he has completed the training for the T-6 airplane!!! Since he has completed his training, and there are a few days before his Track Select (meaning the day we find out which plane he'll be training in next), he got to take some leave (vacation time)!!! Since he didn't have to go to work today, we took the girls to the San Antonio Zoo!! Maddy had an absolute BLAST!!! Amelia is a little young still to take in the full experience, but she was a trooper!! :-)
A friend of mine had to drive to San Antonio to pick her husband up from the airport there (he was away for a week for some training), so my friend and her daughter joined us at the zoo this morning before they had to head to the airport. It was fun to have them with us!! :-)
Here are some photos from our adventure today!! Enjoy!!
Maddy liked climbing on any of the statues we could find:

In case you were wondering what they look like, these were our partners in crime today... Melissa and Abby...

Maddy thought this monkey was really funny! It helped that he was putting on a little show for us!! Don't worry... There was glass between us and him!! :-)

Of course, all of the fish areas were a HUGE hit with Maddy!!

Amelia seems to be taking on Maddy's love for fish, too... She was a little interested in the big fish tank!!

I'm not entirely sure what she was looking at, but I think it's safe to say she was a little stunned!! LoL...

Just thought this was a cute photo of Maddy:

Of all the animals, the elephants were Maddy's all-time favorite today!!! We even left the zoo with a stuffed blue elephant... I'd show you a photo of him, but he's snuggled in Maddy's bed with her tonight!! :-) (P.S. This is another of those statues I was talking about!!)

I couldn't very well NOT take a photo of one of the elephants!!!

Maddy couldn't decide if these birds were neat or scary... She'd inch closer then back up. HaHaHa... It was pretty funny!!!

Amelia had enough fun for one day... Poor kiddo was tuckered out!!

I just thought this bird was really pretty... There was an enclosure that you could go in and feed these birds. Maddy was ok with looking at them, but I could tell very quickly that paying to feed them would have been a waste of money! HaHaHa... I tried to get a photo of her with one of these little guys, but she wouldn't get close enough!! :-)

And, of course, what trip to the zoo is complete without the FLAMINGOS!!! Or, as Maddy would call them, the flaming-os... She puts the emphAsis on the wrong sylAble!! Too cute!! :-)

I hope you enjoyed "coming to the zoo" with us today!! We had a blast!!! Everyone is tucked in for the night, so I think I'm going to head that direction, too!! We have another busy day tomorrow with a storytime that our neighbor's Girl Scout troop is leading (I hear we'll be reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and making some clothespin/coffee filter butterflies), then we have a birthday party and we'll round out the night with a little Farrow Street BBQ at our house!! :-) We better get some good rest tonight for our busy day tomorrow!
Love you guys!! :-)