We'll start with the "first" that unfortunately has no photographic evidence...
A little background to start with: For the last couple of weeks, when we would go in to get Amelia out of her bed, she had rolled from her belly to her back. If we put her on the floor on her belly, though, she would just arch her back and cry until we picked her up or rolled her over. We knew that she could roll from her belly to her back, but she wouldn't do it if we were watching. That all changed today, though!! Amelia was laying on a blanket on the floor on her belly while Maddy and I were sitting next to her. I was doing Maddy's hair. As I looked over to make sure Amelia was still okay, I caught her at the end of her roll over!! I rolled her back to her belly, and she rolled back to her back. She did this several times!!! I DID put a video from my phone of it on Facebook, but I can't ever get those videos to load on here... So, YAY!! Mobility is beginning!!! :-) (Remind me of this excitement in a few months when she's getting into EVERYTHING, please!!)
Our other first is a 4 month go-ahead milestone. 4 months is when it is deemed acceptable to start feeding babies rice cereal. Since Amelia had her check up yesterday (more on that in a minute), and everything looked great, I bought a box of rice cereal today!! Tonight when we were finished with dinner, we put Amelia in the high chair and gave it a go... I must say that I think she enjoyed it even more than Maddy did at this age!!! The first time we tried it with Maddy, she didn't seem sold on the idea. She warmed up to it eventually, but it took a little time. Amelia was like a little bird. She just kept opening her mouth for more!! :-) Maddy even got in on the action and helped feed her!! Both girls did a GREAT job!!! Here are some photos!!
The very first bite. I believe her face says "What the heck are you about to do to me?!?!":
Are you sure about this?!?!:
Ok, this isn't so bad... More, please!!:
Big Sister Maddy helping!!:
Amelia's 4 month check up yesterday went great!! She weighs 15 pounds, 4 ounces and is 24.75 inches long!! That puts her in the 92nd percentile for her weight and the 58th percentile for her height!!! We have a perfectly healthy growing little girl!!! The doctor said she had no complaints about her development and said everything looks great!! She continues to hit her milestones just as she should!!
Amelia also has 2 teeth already!! I must say she's a little behind the power curve compared to Maddy who had 4 teeth at her 4 month check up, but the average baby doesn't start getting teeth until 6 months of age, so she's still ahead of the average kiddo!! :-)
I guess that's about it for now!! The girls are fast asleep, and we've had some long days and nights lately, so I think I'm going to get some sleep!! I hope you're all doing well!!
Love you guys!! :-)
Thanks for the update. The girls both look GREAT!!! I can't believe Amelia is ready to start on food already. It seems like just yesterday that we were still waiting for her arrival!!! I also can't believe how LONG Maddy's hair is getting! Things are just rolling right along for your two beautiful baby girls. Hope we get to visit sometime soon. We miss all of you guys SOOO Much!!!
Love ya!
What is it with your kids and teeth? At least this time they are coinciding with the switchover to solid foods. Thanks for the pics. Love you.
Amazing how fast children grow!! Looks like you have a great helper in Maddy and a willing student in Amelia. At this rate they will be starting school by Tuesday!
keep posting, we really enjoy keeping up...
I love to hear the wonderful milestones the children set and to see how happy your little family is everyday. Maddy and Amelia are two lovely little ladies!
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