We took Maddy to the park today, and she never once cracked a smile. I'm not sure if it was because it was cooler than we thought it was going to be... Or if it was the fact that there were so many people there today... Or if she just, plain, wasn't impressed with the park, but we were only there for about 5 minutes before we got back in the car to come home. Here are some pictures of our little Stewey (like the baby on the TV show Family Guy) "enjoying" herself at the park:
Check out the look of concentration on Bryan's face... and the total lack of enthusiasm on Maddy's face as they head down the slide...

Here is Maddy riding in the swing. I'm not too sure why we thought she'd be excited about this... seeing as how she doesn't care too much about riding in her swing at home...

Then, some random kid decided to come over and push her. Thankfully, his mom said something before I had to...

Then, I took her down the kiddie slide. Still... absolutely no expression...

We tried riding on a little bouncy horse, too... You guessed it... NOT IMPRESSED!!

Lastly, here is a video of Maddy on the swing. It's not all that exciting, but I took the video with the intention of putting it on my blog today, so HERE IT IS!! ENJOY!!
On to other news...
Bryan and I just got new bedding for our bed. Here's a picture of it:

The last bit of "news" is that Bryan and I are going to a "Redneck Hoedown" tonight. It's a welcome home party for his squadron in honor of those that just returned home from the deployment. Our friends Bailey and Marshall are going to watch Maddy for us while we go. I hope we have a good time. I also hope that Maddy has fun with them. She's still very fickle when it comes to baby sitters. Sometimes she does GREAT. Other times... well, not-so-much. We'll have to wait and see how it goes tonight. Especially since she was not at all impressed with the park today... She's napping right now, so I'm hoping that she'll be in a good mood for them, and play and giggle and enjoy herself!! :)
Oh well... If there's anything noteworthy about the party, I'll be sure to blog and post pictures. If not, well, just assume that we didn't stay long and it was free dinner. HaHaHa. Just kidding!! :)
Talk to everyone soon! Oh yeah, and to all you Atlanta folks, take care of my parental units while they're there this weekend!
Love you guys!! :)