After church yesterday Bryan and I took Maddy to a field of bluebonnets that a friend of ours took their family to last weekend for a little photo op. For those of you that are unaware, the Bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas. I just learned that it is a crime here to pick a bluebonnet and you can be arrested. I'm so glad that we didn't try to make a bouquet to bring home. Here are a couple of the pictures from our little adventure:
Maddy was less-than-thrilled with the prickly grass, and she made sure we knew all about it:
I joined her for the photo shoot to try to get a few smiles out of her. While I didn't really get a smile, Bryan DID get this pretty good picture of us!!
Once those pictures were taken, I convinced Bryan to hop in a few with us. Other than these, he told me that he was content with just being the photographer. Here's our little happy family!!
I then gave Maddy an American flag to play with. I LOVE this picture...
As a matter of fact, I LOVE it so much, that I used my new photo editing software to do this:

Notice that the American flag is the only thing in color. I LOVE this feature!! :)
:::Daddy/Daughter Time:::
Daddy and Maddy were playing last night, and I got a few pictures. Here's one:
This one looks like Maddy is trying to pull Bryan's ear off his head. LoL.
A little father-daughter love:
Here is Maddy helping Daddy to train Nash. Unfortunately, Bryan's hand signal is telling Nash to "stand". Notice that he's still sitting. LoL. Oh well... We'll keep working on that one!! :)
Peeping Tom-ette... Maddy was peeping over the fence at the neighbors who were having storytime in their backyard. I guess she wanted to join in. :)
:::More Teefers:::
Poor Maddy has 4 of her top teeth coming in currently, so this warm, wet washcloth was like heaven on earth for her during bathtime last night:
This was the reason for the bath:
That's biter biscuit ALL OVER her face!! She sure loves them, though!! :)
:::Little Miss Technology:::
Maddy LOVES playing with our laptops... Look at her go!!! (And you thought I was actually doing those blogs, didn't you?!?!)
:::Who is number one??:::
:::Teething, Again:::
This is a picture of Maddy with a new teething/eating tool that we got for her. You can fill the blue bag with anything you'd like, then she can gnaw on it and get some of it out through the holes in the mesh. I put an ice cube in it today after lunch to help with her teeth. She seemed to like chewing on it!!
:::Mommy's Little Helper:::
Maddy took a ride in the laundry basket today, and LOVED it!!
Well, I hope you've enjoyed another little snapshot of our lives. I hope to do more photo editing soon. I'll share whatever creations I come up with. In the meantime... Keep little Maddy in your prayers. Four new teeth at once is NO FUN!!!
Love you guys!! :)
Great pictures!!! We love hearing what Miss Maddy is up to. Bryan sure does throw her HIGH into the air!!!!!! I especially love the black & white picture with the colored flag. That is a great photo!!
Talk to you soon....
Love ya!
The special effects with flag was really great. All the photos are so good. I would probably have a heart attack if Bryan threw her that high.
Blue Bonnets are lovely but the law not to pick them is rather harsh.
I love Maddy in the laundry basket - Laundry is my life! I wish I fit into the laundry basket.
Thanks for sharing your sweet baby with us - I love each and every photo.
And a good time was had by all. Very cute.
Great pictures!!! Maddy is really growing quickly! You will have your hands full by christmas, when she wants to play with the tree ornaments.
Lots of photos make a childhood better. They are also great later to remember all the good times...
Katie, what software did you get, and where can you purchase it? I would realy like to find some new stuff.
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