Well, we made it safe and sound yesterday to Port Aransas, TX. Last night we went to dinner then headed to our favorite hang out, Wal*Mart, to get some needed supplies for our stay here (i.e. food, chairs, beach umbrella, etc.). The trip to and from Wal*Mart involved a ferry ride (pictures to follow). After that, we headed home and Miss Maddy was so exhausted that she refused to give up. After an hour of fighting sleep, she finally relaxed and dozed off (it was 10 PM by this time). She was so tired that she wouldn't eat before bed, so she woke up at 5:15 this morning, but once I fed her, she went back to sleep until 9!!! Yes, you read that right!! Our little girl OBVIOUSLY understands what vacations are all about... She slept until 9 AM!! WooHoo!! Once we were all up, we ate a little breakfast and headed out to the beach. Maddy wasn't too fond of the water because it was a little chilly, but she enjoyed sitting on her towel playing with her new toys. She also surprised me by reaching off the towel and playing in the sand a little. After the beach, we went to the pool. Once she got used to the water temperature, she was like a little fish!! We are back in the condo for lunch (and hopefully a nap). This afternoon, we plan to go see the USS Lexington (an aircraft carrier) and maybe the Texas State Aquarium. If we don't do the aquarium today, we'll do that tomorrow afternoon. Here are just a few of the pictures we've taken so far:

Bryan and Maddy at dinner the first night!!

My pretty little face in the rear view mirror on the ferry ride!!

Maddy and me on the ferry ride. Maddy wasn't too sure about that whole thing...

Bryan "driving" across the water...

Almost across the water!!

Waiting "patiently" for Mom and Dad to get ready to go to the beach.

Maddy and me on the beach...

Maddy and Daddy on the beach...

Toes in the water... Not too sure, but not crying... yet... HaHaHa

Enjoying playing with her new sand toys...

Standing up almost all by herself on the beach! Boy was I surprised that she didn't have an aversion to the sand!! :)

Self portrait...

Family self portrait. No, I'm not sporting a side ponytail... The wind was just blowing THAT hard!! :)

Standing on the steps in the pool...

Splashing on the steps of the pool!! :)
I hope you've enjoyed this little peek into our vacation. Maddy has been napping for over 2 hours now. We may miss the USS Lexington and the aquarium today. We'll just have to see. I can't believe she's been sleeping this long, but she obviously played pretty hard today!!
I'll try to post some more pictures tomorrow!
Love you guys!! :)
Get that kid a hat!!!!!!!
Dad Shore
Looks like everyone is having a great time. They the sea air makes one sleep better.....sign that girl up for the study on that one!!! LOL....
Glad you're all having fun and sleeping well. Can't wait for the next installment of "Maddy's Excellent Adventure at the Beach"!!!!
Love ya!!
She has 4 hats... all made it here from Abilene, but didn't make it from the condo to the beach today. Oops... We'll try again tomorrow!! LoL... :)
I guess Father knows best - I heard that "get that kid a hat!! all the way to Atlanta! Ha Ha
It has been windy here too but that is a good thing. Everyone looks so happy and relaxed. Have fun in the sun! Can't wait for the next installment of Maddy's great Beach adventure.
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