What did I do on my Thanksgiving vacation?? Well, I'm glad you asked... (And even if you didn't, I'm going to tell you anyway. LoL.)
Bryan and I got up this morning (along with Maddy and Nash), and we CLEANED the house TOP-TO-BOTTOM!!! Our house was beginning to be a bit of a bio-hazard, so I suggested that we do something about it. Bryan happily obliged, and we got to work. We were completely finished before lunch!!
After we cleaned, we headed to Lowe's to get some painting supplies, and left with a couple of small items to help with a project that I'll mention in a bit... AND $100 worth of Christmas lights, etc. to decorate outside!!! :)
Once we got home, we had a little lunch and put Maddy down for a nap. Then, these 2 little elves (Bryan and myself) got busy decorating. Here's the end result..

This is Maddy cheesing with the Santa-in-an-Airplane inflatable my mom sent Bryan for his birthday. She really seems to like it, AND does the sign for airplane when she looks at it. LoL. :)
Well, I use the term "end result" loosely. Apparently, I married a Grizwold, and we'll be heading back to Lowe's tomorrow for some additional lights for the roof line... LoL. If/when we do that, I'll post a few more pictures.
Maddy slept for almost TWO HOURS today. That's some kind of a record for her!!! She's not a great napper, but it seems as though she's making some improvements!! Can I get a WOO HOO?? :)
Once we were finished outside, I got busy inside the house!! We don't have a lot to decorate inside, but I put up what we have and am satisfied for now. Here are a couple of pictures of our favorite decorations:

This is MY favorite decoration. This is something that we had when we were growing up. There's a little bear who is trying to figure out what Christmas is (he's usually hibernating all winter), so every day he looks somewhere different... Everyday we'll have to move him to a different place on the house. Maybe he'll figure it out by Christmas!! :)

These are our stockings... which are hung by the TV with care. LoL. As was previously mentioned, we do not have a fireplace, so I bought this neat stocking hanger from Kirkland's. The stockings are Bryan's, mine, Maddy's and Nash's. I know... Poor Nash... Always gets the short end of the stick. LoL. :)

This is BRYAN'S favorite decoration!! This is his Nashville Predator's wreath that is adorning our front door. :)
It's been a lot of fun decorating this year. We didn't decorate at all last year, and we've never had a Christmas tree in this house, so it's been a lot of fun!!
The tree will be coming in a week or so. I know that it'll be a challenge to keep Maddy away from it, so I don't want to do it too early, but I still want us to be able to enjoy it. We just have to find the right time to put it up. :)
Tomorrow, we're going to paint our bedroom. We're going to do the same color that it already is, but it'll just be a fresh coat. I hope to also get the pantry cleaned out and organized this weekend, then work on a couple of special gifts for a couple of special people... I'm pretty excited about these gifts. I hope they like them!!
I guess that's it for now!!
Love you guys!! I hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving. We missed our families, but still had a great day!!
Talk to you later!! :)