We also painted our bedroom today. When Bryan was taping down the drop cloth, he asked for my help. I set Maddy in her rocking chair (but didn't buckle her in), gave her a cup of milk and turned on some Christmas movie that was on TV. Once we got the drop cloth taped down, I realized that we hadn't heard anything from Maddy. I went out to the living room to find this:
As best as I can tell, she was asleep like this for about an hour. It definitely messed up her normal naptime, but we were able to get her back down in her crib for a real nap a little later than normal this afternoon. At the risk of jinx'ing myself, I think this kiddo just might be beginning to figure out this whole nap thing (in addition to the sleep thing)!! Woo Hoo!! :)
Her 3rd canine tooth broke through today, so that leaves us with just ONE MORE TOOTH!!! Well, one more until the 2 and 5 year molars come in. I think that deserves a big ole ginormous WOO HOO!!! :)
Other than those activities today, I cleaned out our pantry... throwing away anything that has been in there a long time (we must not like it or want it... or at least that's my thought process)...
We've gotten everything on our to do list completed this weekend, and I couldn't be more thrilled!! We're hoping for a relaxing day tomorrow!! I hope all of you have had a great Thanksgiving weekend. I know ours has not only been good, but we have been SUPER productive!!!
Love you guys!! :)
Sounds like you've had a really GREAT weekend!!! Isn't it funny what different folks consider "WOO HOO" worthy??? LOL......
I'm so glad Maddy is sleeping better and that her teeth are almost completely in. You'll be the wise old mom at the playground when the other kids are going through this process at the "regular" age!!!
The house looks wonderful. I know you and your little family will have a really great Christmas Season.
I love you all......
Item 1: More lights - lots more lights. LOL
Item 2: Perhaps the last tooth was the trouble with the sleep pattern.
Item 3: I hope you donated all the pantry items to the food bank.
The photo of Maddy, asleep in that chair is PRICELESS!!! Glad you got everything accomplished on your first big holiday weekend. Post another walking video when you get a chance...
Uncle Jim, i would have been happy to make a donation to the food pantry, however, I didn't think they'd be interested in a half-eaten box of stale Cheerios, or anything else along those lines. LoL. I will also work on that video for you!!
Mom, yes it IS funny what different people consider WOO HOO-worthy. LoL. It's currently 2:15 and Maddy's been napping since 12:00. I TOTALLY think that deserves a WOO HOO!!!! :)
Lights look good.
Lights look great. Seems you had a busy and productive weekend.
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