Just a quick note from Things 1 & 2 to wish you a VERY Happy Independence Day!! We hope you had a great holiday and remember the reason we celebrate!!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
This and That...
This will be a post of some ramblings, so grab a cup of whatever you'd like, and join me... Will you?!?!
Bryan and I, along with a friend of ours that we met while we were in Corpus (who has also moved to Little Rock), ran in the Music City Half Marathon last weekend!! We had SO MUCH FUN!!! Bryan's parents helped us out by watching the girls for us (and, of course, cheering us on)!! Thanks, Jay & Jenny!!! I think the whole thing was a little anticlimactic for the girls, but Bryan, Rita and I had a GREAT time!! We had to be at the starting line before 7 AM, but it was well worth it!! Bryan ran the 13.1 miles in just under 2 hours. Rita and I did it in just under 2 hours and 30 minutes. I couldn't believe when it was all over that we truly ran 13.1 miles!!! I can definitely mark that one off my Bucket List!! Who knows?!?! Maybe we'll run another one in the future?!?! I am thinking maybe the Princess Half at Disney World one year!!! There would be a lot more incentive for the girls there!!! ;-)
Here are a few photos from the event...
~*~*~PICNIC TABLE~*~*~
I mentioned to my friend Rita (you can see her smiling face in the above photos) that I wanted to make a preschool size picnic table for the girls. I had found the plans online and was ready to buy the supplies and dive in. She said she thought her 4 year old son would love to have one, too, so we headed to The Home Depot, bought our supplies and got to work!!
The girls LOVE it!! I'm so pleased with how it turned out, too!! There's even a purple side for Thing 1 and a pink side for Thing 2!!
I have another woodworking project up my sleeve, but I think Bryan and I will tackle that one together. We just need to go buy the supplies!! :-)
I have made quite a few things with my sewing machine since I received it as a Christmas gift several years ago. (Thanks, Mom & Dad!!) Most of what I have done has been projects for the girls (dresses, Busy Books, etc.). I have done some mending of current articles of clothing. The one thing I HAVEN'T done is make something for myself!! This past year for my birthday, Bryan gave me some American Express gift cards to use however I want to. I have been hanging on to them for quite some time as I haven't made the time yet to go shopping just for me. There have been quite a few reasons (no one to watch the girls... I'm having a fat day... The list goes on...) Upon completion of the picnic tables, however, I had a couple of projects I'd seen on Pinterest that I wanted to give a whirl. One of them was a dress for (GASP) me!! I decided this would be the perfect time to break into those gift cards!!! So, yesterday, we ate lunch together, then the girls went to their rooms for nap and quiet time, and I went to Hobby Lobby!!! I was chompin' at the bit all afternoon to get started, but I knew that there was no way that I could work on this project while the "Things" were still awake. As soon as they were in their rooms for the night, I got the sewing machine out and got to work!! I had a deadline... You see, tonight, we went to a potluck BBQ on base with some of our friends, and I was DETERMINED to wear this dress to the BBQ!!! In less than 3 hours, I had whipped out this baby...
Since pinning on his pilot wings in November, Bryan has been "on hold" with his training. While we were still in Corpus, we got to have A LOT of family time!! We tried our hardest to cherish that time because we knew that all good things must come to an end. Upon arriving here in Little Rock, Bryan was given a job on base in the International Student Affairs Office. He has really enjoyed his time working there and has learned quite a bit!!! I'm sure he has some stories to share if you ever sit down and ask him!! :-) It's been quite a while since he's been in the classroom, and tomorrow is our last day with him before he's back to the grind!!! Thankfully, his job with the International students concluded on Friday, and his training doesn't start until Tuesday, so we get a long weekend before we're back in training land!! Once this training is complete, however, he will be qualified to fly the C-130J!!!! WaHoo!!! He's been plugging away at pilot training since we left Abilene almost 2 years ago!!! Can you believe it's been that long?!?!
While he HAS been working here, we have had a very "normal" life. His work days were very regular. For the first time EVER we got to feel like a normal family. He was home for dinner every night. His work day was like that of a civilian working in an office. I often teased him that this must be how the other half lives!! HaHaHa. One of our favorite things to do since we've been here is have picnic lunches on base with him... The girls and I would meet our playgroup buddies at the park on base and play all morning, then, when lunch time rolled around, and our friends went home, we'd break out our picnic supplies, and Bryan would join us for a little lunch!! We sure are going to miss those times!!!
~*~*~HOW DO I GET TO HEAVEN??~*~*~
You know, sometimes kids ask questions that really catch us off guard. Last night was one of those nights for me. I'm not sure I handled it exactly the way I should have, but I did the best I could for thinking on my feet!!
As I was leaving Thing 1's bedroom after tucking her in and reading her story, she pointed out to me that it was getting dark outside. I said, "yep, sure is!". That's where the easy answers ended... Her next question was, "Is Jesus watching me?" I said, "Of course he is!! He's ALWAYS watching us. He always takes care of us!!" She said, "Where is Jesus?" I told her that he is in heaven. She said, "Heaven is really far away, isn't it??" "Yes, honey, Heaven is really far away." "Well, Mom, how do I get to Heaven??" "Well, when it's time for you to go to Heaven, Jesus will come and get you." "But it's so far away, how will He get here??" "Well, honey, the angels will come with Him. They'll fly down, pick you up, and you'll all fly back together." "Will the animals come with Him?" "Yes, dear, the animals will come too, but don't you worry about all of this, when it's time, Jesus will make sure that you're well taken care of. I love you. Good night." Mom exits the scene hoping she handled that in an acceptable manner... So, I'll leave you with this question... What do you think you would have said? She just caught me so off guard!! I have no idea where it came from, and there was no mention of it again today!! I'm happy to help her understand, but I don't want to scare her with too much talk of death or the fact that when it's her time, the rest of us may or may not be going with her... YIKES!! I knew these questions would come up at some point... I was just hoping I'd be a little more prepared!!
I guess that's about it for tonight. Thanks for joining me on this little bit of catch up on our lives!! Hopefully I'll have more to talk about soon!! We are just hanging out around here. Everyone has been happy and healthy, and I couldn't ask for more!!!
Have a fantastic week!!
Love you guys!!
Bryan and I, along with a friend of ours that we met while we were in Corpus (who has also moved to Little Rock), ran in the Music City Half Marathon last weekend!! We had SO MUCH FUN!!! Bryan's parents helped us out by watching the girls for us (and, of course, cheering us on)!! Thanks, Jay & Jenny!!! I think the whole thing was a little anticlimactic for the girls, but Bryan, Rita and I had a GREAT time!! We had to be at the starting line before 7 AM, but it was well worth it!! Bryan ran the 13.1 miles in just under 2 hours. Rita and I did it in just under 2 hours and 30 minutes. I couldn't believe when it was all over that we truly ran 13.1 miles!!! I can definitely mark that one off my Bucket List!! Who knows?!?! Maybe we'll run another one in the future?!?! I am thinking maybe the Princess Half at Disney World one year!!! There would be a lot more incentive for the girls there!!! ;-)
Here are a few photos from the event...
Bryan, Me & Rita before the race began!! |
Oh, and did I mention that there were 31,000 participants?!?! This was the view from the start line!!! |
Bryan and me before the race began!! |
~*~*~PICNIC TABLE~*~*~
I mentioned to my friend Rita (you can see her smiling face in the above photos) that I wanted to make a preschool size picnic table for the girls. I had found the plans online and was ready to buy the supplies and dive in. She said she thought her 4 year old son would love to have one, too, so we headed to The Home Depot, bought our supplies and got to work!!
The girls LOVE it!! I'm so pleased with how it turned out, too!! There's even a purple side for Thing 1 and a pink side for Thing 2!!
I have another woodworking project up my sleeve, but I think Bryan and I will tackle that one together. We just need to go buy the supplies!! :-)
I have made quite a few things with my sewing machine since I received it as a Christmas gift several years ago. (Thanks, Mom & Dad!!) Most of what I have done has been projects for the girls (dresses, Busy Books, etc.). I have done some mending of current articles of clothing. The one thing I HAVEN'T done is make something for myself!! This past year for my birthday, Bryan gave me some American Express gift cards to use however I want to. I have been hanging on to them for quite some time as I haven't made the time yet to go shopping just for me. There have been quite a few reasons (no one to watch the girls... I'm having a fat day... The list goes on...) Upon completion of the picnic tables, however, I had a couple of projects I'd seen on Pinterest that I wanted to give a whirl. One of them was a dress for (GASP) me!! I decided this would be the perfect time to break into those gift cards!!! So, yesterday, we ate lunch together, then the girls went to their rooms for nap and quiet time, and I went to Hobby Lobby!!! I was chompin' at the bit all afternoon to get started, but I knew that there was no way that I could work on this project while the "Things" were still awake. As soon as they were in their rooms for the night, I got the sewing machine out and got to work!! I had a deadline... You see, tonight, we went to a potluck BBQ on base with some of our friends, and I was DETERMINED to wear this dress to the BBQ!!! In less than 3 hours, I had whipped out this baby...
Here's a nice self portrait from the car ride to the BBQ tonight!! :-) |
Since pinning on his pilot wings in November, Bryan has been "on hold" with his training. While we were still in Corpus, we got to have A LOT of family time!! We tried our hardest to cherish that time because we knew that all good things must come to an end. Upon arriving here in Little Rock, Bryan was given a job on base in the International Student Affairs Office. He has really enjoyed his time working there and has learned quite a bit!!! I'm sure he has some stories to share if you ever sit down and ask him!! :-) It's been quite a while since he's been in the classroom, and tomorrow is our last day with him before he's back to the grind!!! Thankfully, his job with the International students concluded on Friday, and his training doesn't start until Tuesday, so we get a long weekend before we're back in training land!! Once this training is complete, however, he will be qualified to fly the C-130J!!!! WaHoo!!! He's been plugging away at pilot training since we left Abilene almost 2 years ago!!! Can you believe it's been that long?!?!
While he HAS been working here, we have had a very "normal" life. His work days were very regular. For the first time EVER we got to feel like a normal family. He was home for dinner every night. His work day was like that of a civilian working in an office. I often teased him that this must be how the other half lives!! HaHaHa. One of our favorite things to do since we've been here is have picnic lunches on base with him... The girls and I would meet our playgroup buddies at the park on base and play all morning, then, when lunch time rolled around, and our friends went home, we'd break out our picnic supplies, and Bryan would join us for a little lunch!! We sure are going to miss those times!!!
This is a photo from our last picnic lunch!! Maybe we'll still be able to do this on occasion!! :-) |
~*~*~HOW DO I GET TO HEAVEN??~*~*~
You know, sometimes kids ask questions that really catch us off guard. Last night was one of those nights for me. I'm not sure I handled it exactly the way I should have, but I did the best I could for thinking on my feet!!
As I was leaving Thing 1's bedroom after tucking her in and reading her story, she pointed out to me that it was getting dark outside. I said, "yep, sure is!". That's where the easy answers ended... Her next question was, "Is Jesus watching me?" I said, "Of course he is!! He's ALWAYS watching us. He always takes care of us!!" She said, "Where is Jesus?" I told her that he is in heaven. She said, "Heaven is really far away, isn't it??" "Yes, honey, Heaven is really far away." "Well, Mom, how do I get to Heaven??" "Well, when it's time for you to go to Heaven, Jesus will come and get you." "But it's so far away, how will He get here??" "Well, honey, the angels will come with Him. They'll fly down, pick you up, and you'll all fly back together." "Will the animals come with Him?" "Yes, dear, the animals will come too, but don't you worry about all of this, when it's time, Jesus will make sure that you're well taken care of. I love you. Good night." Mom exits the scene hoping she handled that in an acceptable manner... So, I'll leave you with this question... What do you think you would have said? She just caught me so off guard!! I have no idea where it came from, and there was no mention of it again today!! I'm happy to help her understand, but I don't want to scare her with too much talk of death or the fact that when it's her time, the rest of us may or may not be going with her... YIKES!! I knew these questions would come up at some point... I was just hoping I'd be a little more prepared!!
I guess that's about it for tonight. Thanks for joining me on this little bit of catch up on our lives!! Hopefully I'll have more to talk about soon!! We are just hanging out around here. Everyone has been happy and healthy, and I couldn't ask for more!!!
Have a fantastic week!!
Love you guys!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Happy Easter!!
Just a quick post to wish everyone a Happy (albeit belated) Easter!! We had such a fantastic weekend with my whole family here!! I am hoping to get some photos edited in the next couple of days to post here, but, for now, I hope this one holds you over...

Getting a 1 year old and a 3 year old to look at the camera at the same time when the Easter Bunny has just visited them is not an easy task!! I think this turned out pretty good... Considering our severe handicap!! HaHaHa...
Love you guys!! I hope your week is wonderful!! :-)

Getting a 1 year old and a 3 year old to look at the camera at the same time when the Easter Bunny has just visited them is not an easy task!! I think this turned out pretty good... Considering our severe handicap!! HaHaHa...
Love you guys!! I hope your week is wonderful!! :-)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
It's Been A While...
It's been a while since I last blogged, so I thought I'd check in. We have been super busy trying to get settled in our new house. We absolutely LOVE our new house!! We are about 95% settled. Just a few more photos to hang, and a little more work in the garage (so my car will fit), and we'll be back to normal!! :-)
The girls are doing well. For Lent this year, I "gave up" Maddy's nap time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During this time, we are doing some school stuff. So far, we've learned about the letters "M", "A", and "D". Maddy is LOVING this one-on-one time!! She can even write the letters "M" and "A" all on her own now. She is so proud when she does it, too!! It makes me so excited for her when she writes the letters all on her own. The "D" is a little tough, but she's still working on it!! This week we're going to give the letter "Y" a try. My goal is to have her be able to write her name first. Thanks to Pinterest, I've found quite a few activities that we can do during our school time. I plan to try a few new ones this week!!
This past week we checked out the story time at the library here. They read 2 books, had an activity for the kids between the books and a craft at the end. It was a little long for Amelia's attention span, but both of the girls seemed to really enjoy the time!! Last week's theme was Dr. Seuss. This week's theme will be St. Patrick's Day. Maddy is already talking about it!! :-)
Amelia is learning new words every day. Her favorite, however, is "no". Sometimes she says it with a cute little smirk on her face, and others she shouts it... Like when Maddy takes a toy from her!! She's really coming into her own lately. I'm loving her little personality that's coming out!!
I have taken on a new project for Easter gifts for the girls. This is likely to take up quite a bit of my time in the coming weeks, but I am hopeful that the end result will be worth all the effort. I am making "Busy Books" for the girls. If you are unfamiliar with what these are, you can google them, but they are basically a soft, sewn book that has activities on each page... Think: learning how to use a zipper, snaps, velcro, matching things, dressing a felt doll with felt clothes, etc. The idea is that they are quiet books to use at church, etc. I am still in the planning stages but am very excited to see the finished product!! If I can keep my act together, I'll take some photos along the way, so you can see the progress!! Let's not hold out too much hope on that, however. I didn't sleep last night because my brain was going 90 to nothing thinking about these books!! HaHaHa.
Bryan has gotten a job at work, since his training doesn't begin until May. He is happy to have some structure back in his life!! He is working in the International Student Affairs office on base. He has already met some really neat people who are here for training. He has also taken the first steps to completing his master's degree!! Woo Hoo!! I say that knowing that I won't be the one writing millions of papers. LoL. Obtaining his Master's is a necessary evil if he hopes to continue with his promotions at work, so here goes nothing!! :-)
Nash is thrilled with our new home. He likes his new yard. We bought a few new rugs for the house (the living room is hardwood). One of the new rugs is in front of the sink in the kitchen, and he really likes laying on that one!! I feel differently about his new-found "spot" since that's right in the middle of my work space in the kitchen, but if he's happy, I can work around him!! :-)
I guess that catches us up on everyone. I hope to blog again soon, but only time will tell if I remember to!! Maybe next time I'll have some photos of the girls!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, and the week ahead is nothing but fantastic!!
Love you guys!!
The girls are doing well. For Lent this year, I "gave up" Maddy's nap time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During this time, we are doing some school stuff. So far, we've learned about the letters "M", "A", and "D". Maddy is LOVING this one-on-one time!! She can even write the letters "M" and "A" all on her own now. She is so proud when she does it, too!! It makes me so excited for her when she writes the letters all on her own. The "D" is a little tough, but she's still working on it!! This week we're going to give the letter "Y" a try. My goal is to have her be able to write her name first. Thanks to Pinterest, I've found quite a few activities that we can do during our school time. I plan to try a few new ones this week!!
This past week we checked out the story time at the library here. They read 2 books, had an activity for the kids between the books and a craft at the end. It was a little long for Amelia's attention span, but both of the girls seemed to really enjoy the time!! Last week's theme was Dr. Seuss. This week's theme will be St. Patrick's Day. Maddy is already talking about it!! :-)
Amelia is learning new words every day. Her favorite, however, is "no". Sometimes she says it with a cute little smirk on her face, and others she shouts it... Like when Maddy takes a toy from her!! She's really coming into her own lately. I'm loving her little personality that's coming out!!
I have taken on a new project for Easter gifts for the girls. This is likely to take up quite a bit of my time in the coming weeks, but I am hopeful that the end result will be worth all the effort. I am making "Busy Books" for the girls. If you are unfamiliar with what these are, you can google them, but they are basically a soft, sewn book that has activities on each page... Think: learning how to use a zipper, snaps, velcro, matching things, dressing a felt doll with felt clothes, etc. The idea is that they are quiet books to use at church, etc. I am still in the planning stages but am very excited to see the finished product!! If I can keep my act together, I'll take some photos along the way, so you can see the progress!! Let's not hold out too much hope on that, however. I didn't sleep last night because my brain was going 90 to nothing thinking about these books!! HaHaHa.
Bryan has gotten a job at work, since his training doesn't begin until May. He is happy to have some structure back in his life!! He is working in the International Student Affairs office on base. He has already met some really neat people who are here for training. He has also taken the first steps to completing his master's degree!! Woo Hoo!! I say that knowing that I won't be the one writing millions of papers. LoL. Obtaining his Master's is a necessary evil if he hopes to continue with his promotions at work, so here goes nothing!! :-)
Nash is thrilled with our new home. He likes his new yard. We bought a few new rugs for the house (the living room is hardwood). One of the new rugs is in front of the sink in the kitchen, and he really likes laying on that one!! I feel differently about his new-found "spot" since that's right in the middle of my work space in the kitchen, but if he's happy, I can work around him!! :-)
I guess that catches us up on everyone. I hope to blog again soon, but only time will tell if I remember to!! Maybe next time I'll have some photos of the girls!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend, and the week ahead is nothing but fantastic!!
Love you guys!!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Another Two Blog Night
Can you believe it?!?! I was on blog hiatus for SO long, and now every time I post, I make multiple posts!! HaHaHa.
Tonight, after making the busy bottles for the girls, I decided to make some quick and easy necklaces for them too... M's has Tinkerbell on it (of course) and A's is just plain and simple. I like them so much, I may make one for myself, too!! :-)
Here's a photo of the necklaces!!

G'night... This momma better get some rest!! 6:30 will be here EARLY!!
Love you guys!!
Tonight, after making the busy bottles for the girls, I decided to make some quick and easy necklaces for them too... M's has Tinkerbell on it (of course) and A's is just plain and simple. I like them so much, I may make one for myself, too!! :-)
Here's a photo of the necklaces!!
G'night... This momma better get some rest!! 6:30 will be here EARLY!!
Love you guys!!
Busy Bottles
Hi Everyone! I've completed another project that I found on Pinterest!! I think the girls will really like this one. I am saving these for our road trip to Arkansas, so I won't have a review from them for another couple of weeks. I made them a little different from one another... based on their ages.
For Amelia, I put dice, PomPoms, glitter, foam shapes and some jeweled butterflies in a plastic bottle. Then, I filled the bottle with water. She can shake it and hear the dice rattling around, watch the glitter fall and the PomPoms spin around. I am hoping for at least 10-20 minutes of entertainment with this one... We'll see... If not, it was a super inexpensive project, so I'm not out much!!
For Maddy, I put all the same things in her bottle, but I filled it with rice. This makes it a look-and-find bottle. She can shake it and tell me what all she sees... There's even a Tinkerbell button hiding in there!!
Once I filled the bottles, I glued the lids on with Super Glue... No need to tempt fate with spillage in the car!! HaHaHa...
Here is a photo of the bottles!!

I hope everyone's week got off to a good start!! Talk to you soon!! :-)
Love you guys!!
For Amelia, I put dice, PomPoms, glitter, foam shapes and some jeweled butterflies in a plastic bottle. Then, I filled the bottle with water. She can shake it and hear the dice rattling around, watch the glitter fall and the PomPoms spin around. I am hoping for at least 10-20 minutes of entertainment with this one... We'll see... If not, it was a super inexpensive project, so I'm not out much!!
For Maddy, I put all the same things in her bottle, but I filled it with rice. This makes it a look-and-find bottle. She can shake it and tell me what all she sees... There's even a Tinkerbell button hiding in there!!
Once I filled the bottles, I glued the lids on with Super Glue... No need to tempt fate with spillage in the car!! HaHaHa...
Here is a photo of the bottles!!
I hope everyone's week got off to a good start!! Talk to you soon!! :-)
Love you guys!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Girls Week
Bryan has been out of town this week, so it's just been the girls and me... Oh, and that silly ole dog we have!! ;-) I have been trying really hard to involve the girls in our dinner arrangements since that's usually the toughest time of the day when I'm flying solo. I have been so excited about our meals this week, and M has been too. Here's what we've had so far...
Monday we ate like Mermaids... I made sushi sandwiches and they had Goldfish and sea shells with them. The sushi sandwiches were just PB&J, but I used the rolling pin and flattened the bread first, then rolled them up and sliced them so they looked like sushi. The "sea shells" were mandarin oranges. M was SO excited about this meal!! She had 3 sushi sandwiches!!! When I make her a PB&J normally, she eats the equivalent of 1 sandwich. I couldn't believe that changing the shape made such a huge difference!!!
Tuesday I just did baked chicken with fruit salad and bread, but M got to help make the fruit salad. I marinated the chicken in some salad dressing and just baked it in the oven... Nothing special, but it tasted good. I cut up all the fruit then had M help me put it in the bowl and stir it. The bread was just some hamburger buns I had in the fridge (we used up all the bread with our sushi sandwiches) that I toasted and put butter on. I cut them into strips (thanks for the idea, Mom), and the girls loved that!! Another successful meal!!
Wednesday I made mini bagel pizzas. M was very into the TV show she was watching and chose not to help with these, but she certainly could have helped!! I just opened the bagels, put a little sauce, pepperoni, black olives and cheese on them, then baked them for about 5 minutes. SUPER easy and the girls LOVED it!! We had grapes as a side dish. They both ate more than I ever expected them to!!
Tonight I made a ham steak, fruit and bread. A ate more of the ham than I did. I cut the steak in half intending for the girls to share one half and I'd eat the other half. M ate one little strip of their half and A ate the rest. When I saw how quickly she was devouring it, I slowed down on my half and ended up giving A about a 1/3 of my half!!! It was crazy!!! I think I may have found a new favorite for A!!! M said she didn't like "regular ham" whatever that means!! Maybe she'd prefer the lunchmeat variety?!?! Either way, they both ate another great dinner!!
Bryan should be home in time for dinner tomorrow night, so it's going to be a Papa Murphy's night for us!! I have DVR'd a couple of movies this week, so we may do pizza and a movie with the girls!!
We're all looking forward to having Daddy home tomorrow! We've done a little "FaceTime" with him on the phone while he's been away. FaceTime is the Apple version of Skype which we can do from our phones. Both of the girls have LOVED getting to see him! They both got to tell him good night tonight. It's so sweet to watch their faces light up when they see him! M likes to tell him all about her day and her toys (as if he doesn't know what toys we have). His only complaint is that he gets motion sick when she carries the phone around while talking. HaHaHa.
Well, I never imagined that I'd have enough for TWO blogs tonight, but I did!! To tell the truth, one of my projects has to be put on hold until Bryan gets home because I need a couple of 20 ounce soda bottles, and I've been trying to lay off the soda lately. I tried water bottles, but the opening isn't large enough for my project, and I didn't make it to the craft store today, so the other projects that are on deck will have to wait!! Wonder if we'll get out the door early enough tomorrow to get some more supplies?!?! :-)
Ok, well, I'll end this now!! I just wanted to share our week of fun food with everyone!! Talk to you later!!
Love you guys!! :-)
Monday we ate like Mermaids... I made sushi sandwiches and they had Goldfish and sea shells with them. The sushi sandwiches were just PB&J, but I used the rolling pin and flattened the bread first, then rolled them up and sliced them so they looked like sushi. The "sea shells" were mandarin oranges. M was SO excited about this meal!! She had 3 sushi sandwiches!!! When I make her a PB&J normally, she eats the equivalent of 1 sandwich. I couldn't believe that changing the shape made such a huge difference!!!
Tuesday I just did baked chicken with fruit salad and bread, but M got to help make the fruit salad. I marinated the chicken in some salad dressing and just baked it in the oven... Nothing special, but it tasted good. I cut up all the fruit then had M help me put it in the bowl and stir it. The bread was just some hamburger buns I had in the fridge (we used up all the bread with our sushi sandwiches) that I toasted and put butter on. I cut them into strips (thanks for the idea, Mom), and the girls loved that!! Another successful meal!!
Wednesday I made mini bagel pizzas. M was very into the TV show she was watching and chose not to help with these, but she certainly could have helped!! I just opened the bagels, put a little sauce, pepperoni, black olives and cheese on them, then baked them for about 5 minutes. SUPER easy and the girls LOVED it!! We had grapes as a side dish. They both ate more than I ever expected them to!!
Tonight I made a ham steak, fruit and bread. A ate more of the ham than I did. I cut the steak in half intending for the girls to share one half and I'd eat the other half. M ate one little strip of their half and A ate the rest. When I saw how quickly she was devouring it, I slowed down on my half and ended up giving A about a 1/3 of my half!!! It was crazy!!! I think I may have found a new favorite for A!!! M said she didn't like "regular ham" whatever that means!! Maybe she'd prefer the lunchmeat variety?!?! Either way, they both ate another great dinner!!
Bryan should be home in time for dinner tomorrow night, so it's going to be a Papa Murphy's night for us!! I have DVR'd a couple of movies this week, so we may do pizza and a movie with the girls!!
We're all looking forward to having Daddy home tomorrow! We've done a little "FaceTime" with him on the phone while he's been away. FaceTime is the Apple version of Skype which we can do from our phones. Both of the girls have LOVED getting to see him! They both got to tell him good night tonight. It's so sweet to watch their faces light up when they see him! M likes to tell him all about her day and her toys (as if he doesn't know what toys we have). His only complaint is that he gets motion sick when she carries the phone around while talking. HaHaHa.
Well, I never imagined that I'd have enough for TWO blogs tonight, but I did!! To tell the truth, one of my projects has to be put on hold until Bryan gets home because I need a couple of 20 ounce soda bottles, and I've been trying to lay off the soda lately. I tried water bottles, but the opening isn't large enough for my project, and I didn't make it to the craft store today, so the other projects that are on deck will have to wait!! Wonder if we'll get out the door early enough tomorrow to get some more supplies?!?! :-)
Ok, well, I'll end this now!! I just wanted to share our week of fun food with everyone!! Talk to you later!!
Love you guys!! :-)
As promised, here's a quick post to show you my next craft endeavor...
We FINALLY got orders for our move to Little Rock, so I'm in full fledged move mode now!! Part of moving with a 1 year old and a 3 year old is packing the car. The drive from Corpus to Little Rock will take roughly 12 hours. We plan to split the drive into 2 days... The debate is still on as to how to split the drive. One of us feels that we should hit the road in the afternoon the first day and make that the "short day". The other of us feels that we should do the "long day" first, so the second day is not quite so torturous for the kiddos. It'll be interesting to see how the cards all play out. With that being said, activities in the car for the girls is a MUST. This will be the first time that I've driven any real distance with the girls alone. Bryan will be in his car caravan-ing, but I won't have anyone (Hi Mom!) to help me entertain, feed, tend to the kids. This is where the creativity MUST start!! I have lots of ideas for M. She's pretty easy to entertain since she's a little older and understands that if she throws something on the floor, it's gone until we stop. A, on the other hand, hasn't quite grasped that concept yet. LoL. It will be an interesting couple of days to say the least!!
This project is for M. As I mentioned, ideas come easier for her as her skills are much more advanced. I saw this idea on Pinterest, and added my own little twist to it... I made Popsicle Stick Puzzles!! All I did was print photographs, glue them to large Popsicle sticks and cut them apart. This gives M something big to hold onto and also keeps the photos from getting too bent, etc. The twist I added was putting a strip of magnet on each of the Popsicle sticks. Then, I bought a small cookie sheet at Wal*Mart so they had somewhere to stick!! She now has 3 new Popsicle stick puzzles that will stick to the cookie sheet so they aren't sliding all over the place in the car!! I also took a puzzle that I made for the treat bags for A's Bubble Guppies birthday party and put magnets on the back of those pieces to make another puzzle. M has 4 new magnetic puzzles to occupy some of her time in the car for the long drive!! I hope she LOVES them!!
Oh, and I was worried that since the photos didn't have a lot of color variation, they may be a little tough for her (she IS only 3), I numbered the Popsicle sticks (a different color for each puzzle) so that she can have that as a little "crutch". The LAST thing I want is for her to get frustrated while I'm trying to drive and can't help her!!! That wouldn't be fun for ANYONE!!! :-)
So, here are the puzzles!!!

Sorry they aren't all oriented correctly... Blogger wouldn't let me turn them... ;-)
I have another project that I did this week, but the recipient hasn't seen it yet, so once it's unveiled, I'll see if I can get a photo of it... :-)
Hope you've had a great week!! It's almost the weekend!!! :-)
Love you guys!!
We FINALLY got orders for our move to Little Rock, so I'm in full fledged move mode now!! Part of moving with a 1 year old and a 3 year old is packing the car. The drive from Corpus to Little Rock will take roughly 12 hours. We plan to split the drive into 2 days... The debate is still on as to how to split the drive. One of us feels that we should hit the road in the afternoon the first day and make that the "short day". The other of us feels that we should do the "long day" first, so the second day is not quite so torturous for the kiddos. It'll be interesting to see how the cards all play out. With that being said, activities in the car for the girls is a MUST. This will be the first time that I've driven any real distance with the girls alone. Bryan will be in his car caravan-ing, but I won't have anyone (Hi Mom!) to help me entertain, feed, tend to the kids. This is where the creativity MUST start!! I have lots of ideas for M. She's pretty easy to entertain since she's a little older and understands that if she throws something on the floor, it's gone until we stop. A, on the other hand, hasn't quite grasped that concept yet. LoL. It will be an interesting couple of days to say the least!!
This project is for M. As I mentioned, ideas come easier for her as her skills are much more advanced. I saw this idea on Pinterest, and added my own little twist to it... I made Popsicle Stick Puzzles!! All I did was print photographs, glue them to large Popsicle sticks and cut them apart. This gives M something big to hold onto and also keeps the photos from getting too bent, etc. The twist I added was putting a strip of magnet on each of the Popsicle sticks. Then, I bought a small cookie sheet at Wal*Mart so they had somewhere to stick!! She now has 3 new Popsicle stick puzzles that will stick to the cookie sheet so they aren't sliding all over the place in the car!! I also took a puzzle that I made for the treat bags for A's Bubble Guppies birthday party and put magnets on the back of those pieces to make another puzzle. M has 4 new magnetic puzzles to occupy some of her time in the car for the long drive!! I hope she LOVES them!!
Oh, and I was worried that since the photos didn't have a lot of color variation, they may be a little tough for her (she IS only 3), I numbered the Popsicle sticks (a different color for each puzzle) so that she can have that as a little "crutch". The LAST thing I want is for her to get frustrated while I'm trying to drive and can't help her!!! That wouldn't be fun for ANYONE!!! :-)
So, here are the puzzles!!!
Sorry they aren't all oriented correctly... Blogger wouldn't let me turn them... ;-)
I have another project that I did this week, but the recipient hasn't seen it yet, so once it's unveiled, I'll see if I can get a photo of it... :-)
Hope you've had a great week!! It's almost the weekend!!! :-)
Love you guys!!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
New Dresses!!!
Hi!! This may be some sort of a record for me as of lately... ANOTHER blog?? Already?? :-)
I have been scouring the website Pinterest lately. For those of you that aren't sure what Pinterest is, it's a type of social networking site where people can "pin" on "boards (virtual cork boards)" items that they have found on the Internet that they like. Some are do it yourself projects. Some are recipes. Some are just things they like that they would like to buy. As you peruse the site, you can, in turn, re-pin anything you see that you like. It's basically a digital idea book that you create for yourself. The danger of this site is that you can spend hours "pinning" things, but never going any farther. I have been guilty of this as of lately, so I've decided to start actually doing some of the projects I've found. Here is one that I did last night. This literally took me an hour and a half of my time... And now each of the girls have new sweater dresses!!
I had some old sweaters in the closet that I do not see myself wearing anymore, so I converted them to dresses for the girls. I am going to re-do the hem on A's dress because I am not thrilled with the way it looks, but other than that, I am pretty pleased with how they turned out!! Without further adieu, here they are!!!

As one of my friends put it in her blog when she made a similar dress for her sweet little girl, "I love my children so much. I would give them the shirt off my back. Or, you know, the old crappy one in the back of my closet that I don't wear anymore." HaHaHa. I couldn't have said it better myself!! No, really, to be able to re-purpose something like this is GREAT!! Maddy is very much into wearing dresses right now, so this is right up her alley!! :-)
Have a great weekend everyone!! Hopefully I'll be up to some more "Pinteresting" soon, and I'll have more to blog about!! :-)
Love you guys!
I have been scouring the website Pinterest lately. For those of you that aren't sure what Pinterest is, it's a type of social networking site where people can "pin" on "boards (virtual cork boards)" items that they have found on the Internet that they like. Some are do it yourself projects. Some are recipes. Some are just things they like that they would like to buy. As you peruse the site, you can, in turn, re-pin anything you see that you like. It's basically a digital idea book that you create for yourself. The danger of this site is that you can spend hours "pinning" things, but never going any farther. I have been guilty of this as of lately, so I've decided to start actually doing some of the projects I've found. Here is one that I did last night. This literally took me an hour and a half of my time... And now each of the girls have new sweater dresses!!
I had some old sweaters in the closet that I do not see myself wearing anymore, so I converted them to dresses for the girls. I am going to re-do the hem on A's dress because I am not thrilled with the way it looks, but other than that, I am pretty pleased with how they turned out!! Without further adieu, here they are!!!

As one of my friends put it in her blog when she made a similar dress for her sweet little girl, "I love my children so much. I would give them the shirt off my back. Or, you know, the old crappy one in the back of my closet that I don't wear anymore." HaHaHa. I couldn't have said it better myself!! No, really, to be able to re-purpose something like this is GREAT!! Maddy is very much into wearing dresses right now, so this is right up her alley!! :-)
Have a great weekend everyone!! Hopefully I'll be up to some more "Pinteresting" soon, and I'll have more to blog about!! :-)
Love you guys!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Part Deaux!!
No sooner did we get home from Kelly's wedding, it was time to load up in the family truckster and start the road trip to end all road trips... We left our house on December 15 and headed towards Atlanta for the big Towhey family extravaganza!! We had SO MUCH FUN!! I couldn't believe that every single person was there!! All of my mom's brothers, each of their wives, every one of their children, every spouse that has been added to the family and their children (ok, that means Maddy & Amelia)!! I think the final head count made it to 30!! The food was outstanding, and the company was even better!! I wish I could say "let's do it again next year", but I'm afraid that the Williams family won't be making it for a couple of years... Anyway, here's the big family photo!! I know that most of you have seen it, but I do have a few readers (Hi Tara!) who haven't, so here it is!!

After the extravaganza, we all piled back in the trusty 'ole Acadia for a drive to Charlotte where we spent Christmas with my parents and my dad's parents. We had a great visit!! We didn't take too many photos as we were busy spending time together!! Here are a few that we DID get, though...
Maddy helped Grandmom bake Christmas cookies this year...

She didn't like the sound of the mixer...

Ironically, Amelia thought the sound of the mixer was hysterical!!

This crazy girl liked the taste of flour... Ewww!!

She decorated like a PRO!!

Amelia thoroughly enjoyed the final product!!

The girls all dressed and ready for Christmas Eve mass..

Our sweet little family...

The girls with my dad's parents

We put out cookies for Santa!! Guess who is excited?!?!

We left Charlotte on the 26th and headed to Franklin where we obviously had too much fun because I realized while writing this blog that I have absolutely no photos of our time there. I think there are a few on my phone, but I haven't uploaded those to the computer... While we were there, though, we went to Cheekwood and saw a really cool train exhibit (Thomas the train was even there), we had breakfast at the Loveless Cafe, and Bryan, Maddy, Jay, Jenny and Chris went to a Predator's Hockey game!! We had a really great time!
We left Franklin on the 31st and started our long drive home. We stopped for lunch in Memphis and met up with Bryan's friend from college, Josh. It was great to get to see him!! New Year's morning we stopped in Dallas to visit with Breezy at the COOLEST McDonald's (thanks for finding it, Breezy)!! I think we were there for 2 hours!! I LOVED getting to see her and catch up even though it wasn't a long enough visit (Is there such a thing??)!! After that we finished our drive home and have been recovering ever since!!
I think that catches us up... We are now in pre-moving mode!! We're getting everything organized for our move to Little Rock!! We can't wait to catch up with some of our friends there!! After that, GERMANY HERE WE COME!!! I'll try to post again soon, but let's not all hold our breath!! I love you guys way too much to harm you in any way!! HaHaHa!!
Love you guys!! :-)

After the extravaganza, we all piled back in the trusty 'ole Acadia for a drive to Charlotte where we spent Christmas with my parents and my dad's parents. We had a great visit!! We didn't take too many photos as we were busy spending time together!! Here are a few that we DID get, though...
Maddy helped Grandmom bake Christmas cookies this year...

She didn't like the sound of the mixer...

Ironically, Amelia thought the sound of the mixer was hysterical!!

This crazy girl liked the taste of flour... Ewww!!

She decorated like a PRO!!

Amelia thoroughly enjoyed the final product!!

The girls all dressed and ready for Christmas Eve mass..

Our sweet little family...

The girls with my dad's parents

We put out cookies for Santa!! Guess who is excited?!?!

We left Charlotte on the 26th and headed to Franklin where we obviously had too much fun because I realized while writing this blog that I have absolutely no photos of our time there. I think there are a few on my phone, but I haven't uploaded those to the computer... While we were there, though, we went to Cheekwood and saw a really cool train exhibit (Thomas the train was even there), we had breakfast at the Loveless Cafe, and Bryan, Maddy, Jay, Jenny and Chris went to a Predator's Hockey game!! We had a really great time!
We left Franklin on the 31st and started our long drive home. We stopped for lunch in Memphis and met up with Bryan's friend from college, Josh. It was great to get to see him!! New Year's morning we stopped in Dallas to visit with Breezy at the COOLEST McDonald's (thanks for finding it, Breezy)!! I think we were there for 2 hours!! I LOVED getting to see her and catch up even though it wasn't a long enough visit (Is there such a thing??)!! After that we finished our drive home and have been recovering ever since!!
I think that catches us up... We are now in pre-moving mode!! We're getting everything organized for our move to Little Rock!! We can't wait to catch up with some of our friends there!! After that, GERMANY HERE WE COME!!! I'll try to post again soon, but let's not all hold our breath!! I love you guys way too much to harm you in any way!! HaHaHa!!
Love you guys!! :-)
I'm Back!! (Part 1)
Apparently I have too much to say for just one blog... Or at least that's what blogger says, so here's part 1... Part 2 to follow VERY shortly!! :-)
One of my dear, sweet friends from college (Hi Tara!) mentioned to me the other day that she has no idea what's going on in our lives, so I promised I'd blog soon!! Bryan has asked me to hang out in our bedroom tonight so he can use the kitchen table to wrap my birthday gifts. Who am I to argue with THAT?!?! So, here I am... Nothing better to do than catch everyone up!! :-)
My last blog was on Halloween. I could say that not much has happened since then, but I'd be a BIG FAT LIAR!! TONS has happened since Halloween!!! My life is pretty much written by the photos I take, so I'll just browse through my photo folder on here and update you!! Here goes nothing...
I was commissioned to take the photo for Bryan's class. They came up with the idea, and the girls and I just showed up to "make it happen". I think it turned out pretty good...

Next up was our Whirlwind Weekend... During this particular weekend, we celebrated Bryan's winging (yay for finally getting those pilot wings), Bryan's birthday, Amelia's birthday and Amelia's baptism. Wow! I just got tired all over again thinking about the weekend... Bryan's parents and Granny came to celebrate with us along with my parents. We all had such a GREAT time!! I wouldn't have traded the weekend for ANYTHING!! I think Bryan and Amelia were pleased with their respective celebrations as well!!
Bryan blowing out his birthday candles:

The TC-12... Oh & Bryan and me!! :-)

Pinning on those wings baby!!!

My dad giving the simulator a whirl...

Bryan's mom giving it a go!!

The birthday princess!!

THE CAKES!!! Isn't my mom amazing?!?! Why do I not have these crafty skills?? LoL...

Amelia's Baptism...

Dave & Loren (Amelia's stand-in Godparents since Chris & Kelly couldn't make it to the baptism), Father Menza (can we take him with us when we move?!?!), Amelia, me and Bryan after the baptism!!

Next up was Thanksgiving weekend. The four of us flew to Atlanta to celebrate the holiday. Not only did we celebrate Thanksgiving, but my sweet sweet cousin Kelly got married (Hi Kel!)!! Maddy was the MOST ADORABLE flower girl (if I say so myself), and I did a pretty good job as a bridesmaid... Here are a few photos from the event...
Doesn't she look WAY too grown up here?!?! Ugh... How will I ever make it through proms and (gasp) her wedding day?!?!

My handsome hubby and cute-as-a-button Amelia

Maddy and me at the reception

Maddy has SO MUCH fun at the reception!! She is still dancing and talking about it months later!! Here she is dancing to "Come on and ride the train" (one of the highlights of the reception)!!

Time really snuck up on me, and before I realized it, it was time to get our Christmas card photos done. Since I've taken up this photography hobby (and my hubby got Photoshop for my birthday last year), I decided that we'd make our own card this year. As a first stab, I think we did a pretty good job. One of my friends took the photo by the plane, but we took the rest with the tripod and the self timer... Not too shabby... Some of these you may have seen on the Christmas card. The others? Well, they didn't make the cut!! :-)

...To Be Continued...
One of my dear, sweet friends from college (Hi Tara!) mentioned to me the other day that she has no idea what's going on in our lives, so I promised I'd blog soon!! Bryan has asked me to hang out in our bedroom tonight so he can use the kitchen table to wrap my birthday gifts. Who am I to argue with THAT?!?! So, here I am... Nothing better to do than catch everyone up!! :-)
My last blog was on Halloween. I could say that not much has happened since then, but I'd be a BIG FAT LIAR!! TONS has happened since Halloween!!! My life is pretty much written by the photos I take, so I'll just browse through my photo folder on here and update you!! Here goes nothing...
I was commissioned to take the photo for Bryan's class. They came up with the idea, and the girls and I just showed up to "make it happen". I think it turned out pretty good...

Next up was our Whirlwind Weekend... During this particular weekend, we celebrated Bryan's winging (yay for finally getting those pilot wings), Bryan's birthday, Amelia's birthday and Amelia's baptism. Wow! I just got tired all over again thinking about the weekend... Bryan's parents and Granny came to celebrate with us along with my parents. We all had such a GREAT time!! I wouldn't have traded the weekend for ANYTHING!! I think Bryan and Amelia were pleased with their respective celebrations as well!!
Bryan blowing out his birthday candles:
The TC-12... Oh & Bryan and me!! :-)

Pinning on those wings baby!!!
My dad giving the simulator a whirl...
Bryan's mom giving it a go!!
The birthday princess!!
THE CAKES!!! Isn't my mom amazing?!?! Why do I not have these crafty skills?? LoL...
Amelia's Baptism...
Dave & Loren (Amelia's stand-in Godparents since Chris & Kelly couldn't make it to the baptism), Father Menza (can we take him with us when we move?!?!), Amelia, me and Bryan after the baptism!!
Next up was Thanksgiving weekend. The four of us flew to Atlanta to celebrate the holiday. Not only did we celebrate Thanksgiving, but my sweet sweet cousin Kelly got married (Hi Kel!)!! Maddy was the MOST ADORABLE flower girl (if I say so myself), and I did a pretty good job as a bridesmaid... Here are a few photos from the event...
Doesn't she look WAY too grown up here?!?! Ugh... How will I ever make it through proms and (gasp) her wedding day?!?!
My handsome hubby and cute-as-a-button Amelia
Maddy and me at the reception
Maddy has SO MUCH fun at the reception!! She is still dancing and talking about it months later!! Here she is dancing to "Come on and ride the train" (one of the highlights of the reception)!!
Time really snuck up on me, and before I realized it, it was time to get our Christmas card photos done. Since I've taken up this photography hobby (and my hubby got Photoshop for my birthday last year), I decided that we'd make our own card this year. As a first stab, I think we did a pretty good job. One of my friends took the photo by the plane, but we took the rest with the tripod and the self timer... Not too shabby... Some of these you may have seen on the Christmas card. The others? Well, they didn't make the cut!! :-)

...To Be Continued...
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