I have a new challenge for you, my faithful readers. I know that you are all creative, and some of you are just down-right hilarious... Here's my challenge. I'm going to post 5 pictures, and I want you guys to come up with the captions... Just post your captions as a comment... You don't have to caption all of them if you don't want to. The funnier the better. We're all looking for a good laugh!!! :) You may want to click on each picture to make it bigger to get the full-effect... Here goes:
Number one...

Number two...

Number three...

Number four...

Number five...

Isn't digital photography great?!?! We can take so many pictures that we don't care when we get the less-than-desirable shots!! I am excited to see what everyone comes up with!!
Love you guys!! :)
OK, I'm first in the box.
#1. What does red, white and blue mean?
#2. The stock market dropped again?
#3. Colors don't mean that much to me!
#4. You're going to do what?
#5. That's Twinkle twinkle I'm playing!
#3, In the floor routine young Maddy opted for the “on my butt” finish
#4, With her drinking problem more and more obvious, Mary the midget was no longer being cast in the young child rolls.
#5, Hay mom, ya think I should wait to get teeth before I start brushing?
OK, I know I'm not as funny as the male members of my family, but I'll give it a shot:
1. Yummy....that looks too good to eat!!
2. I can't believe I ate the WHOLE THING!!
3. There's no need to fear, SUPER BABY is here!!
4. GIVE...ME...A...COOKIE...NOW!!!
5. Watch....when I shove this spoon into my mouth, my cheek pops out and when I push in on my cheek, the spoon pops out.....isn't that AMAZING!?!?!?!
That was fun, let's do it again...
Love ya!!
1. Taste’s like chicken
2. I found the oatmeal not at all pleasing to my pallet while the peas and carrots were merely pedestrian.
3. Seriously, one more picture and I’m totally gonna trip you.
4. So I had a few drinks. You won’t let me drive and I already pee in my pants, so how bout getting off my back.
5. I wish mom could cook as fast as I can eat.
I think Bill wins the prize!
I can't compete with those. Y'all are all hilarious. I love everyone of them! Peggie you are just as funny as the guys, for certain.
Let's do this again - I love it. Maybe I'll be brave and do some captions next time.
OK, here goes:
1. "Thanks dad, mom and I relly enjoy the freedom we live in..."
2." You talkin' to me?"
3."It wasn't me. I thought YOU farted".
4."WHEW! What a night!! I gotta' lay off that whole milk..."
5. "I know there's a molar in there, and I am going to keep it..."
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