...it's been more than a week since I last blogged, and boy has a lot happened!!!
Last week at work was a pretty "normal" work week...
Saturday was a pretty good day. We dropped Nash off at the kennel, and he did EXCELLENT!! For the first time, he just walked off with the guy that works there with no complaints. As we were leaving, we could see him in his kennel. He was wagging his tail and NOT barking (a rarity). When he saw us driving off, (I turned around to watch him as we drove off because I was sad) he laid down in the shade in his kennel with seemingly no complaints. This is the very first time this has happened. I attribute this to the simple fact that we took him to a different kennel than we've been to before. These people seem to be EXCELLENT with animals!!
The rest of SaturDAY was spent cleaning the house. Bryan helped and we got the house pretty spick and span. I was pleased.
Saturday EVENING took us to Bryan's boss's going away party. Lt. Col. Willett is moving to Germany with his family. This is a great opportunity for them, but they will truly be missed!! After that party, we found ourselves at the "after party" at Lt. Col. McIntyre's house. We LOVE the McIntyres. He is the commander of Bryan's squadron, and he and his family are WONDERFUL people!! We had a great time there, too.
Once we got home, we went to bed. We got a whopping 3 hours of sleep, then were headed to the airport for our beach vacation. Our neighbors, Mike & Breezy, took us to the airport at 4:30 AM. We left Abilene and flew to Dallas/Ft. Worth. After a 3 hour layover, we headed to Atlanta. You fine folks in Atlanta were having some "weather"... thus we had to divert to Huntsville for a little while. We got BACK on the plane to Atlanta about 30 minutes later. Once we got to Atlanta, we discovered that our flight to Panama City was canceled. ENTER... the phone call... Yes, we called Grandmom and Grandpop for assistance. They gladly came to our rescue. Uncle Mike picked us up, and we spent the night with Grandmom and Grandpop. Thank you kindly for your hospitality. It was a very nice surprise for us!!!
Monday morning Grandpop took us back to the airport where we flew to Ft. Walton Beach. Ft. Walton Beach was much closer to our final destination of Destin than Panama City was, so once we got to Ft. Walton Beach, we hopped in the rental car, and 20 minutes later we were at the condo to meet Bryan's parents.
So, now, here we are! We've done quite a bit of relaxing, but for some reason I'm still worn out. I think it's the combination of being pregnant and the heat. Sitting on the beach is great... minus the heat!! :-)
Here is a picture of tonight's sunset that Bryan just took to share:

Tomorrow Bryan's grandmother will be flying down to spend the remainder of the week with us. On Saturday, my friend Catherine plans to drive here for the day to visit with us. I have not seen her, I believe, since our friend Leslie's wedding, which was almost a year ago!! She is living in Tallahassee, FL and going to/teaching at Florida State University, so it's not too long of a drive for her!! I'm very excited to see her!!
Well... I think that's about all I have to share for now. We'll be heading home on Sunday. Pray for us that our trip home is less eventful!!
I believe I'll leave you with this week's pictures...
Love you guys!!

Yes, I do realize how exhausted I look in these pictures... I PROMISE that I'm feeling well still. I was just, plain tired by the time we got around to taking this week's pictures last night!! :)