Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maternity Portraits

Good evening all... I just wanted to share a little bit of what's going on here with you. On Saturday morning, Bryan and I went and had maternity portraits taken. We went back yesterday and chose which ones we wanted printed. There were so many to choose from that we had a difficult time making our choices. While we were looking at the proofs, though, the photographer asked us to sign a waiver to publish some of the pictures on her website. I thought I'd share it with you. I will warn you that the site seems to take quite a long time to load, so if you get tired of waiting, I understand. I'll try to take some pictures of the ones we got printed once we have them and have them on the walls here.

The website is: http://www.ibgphotography.com/Pregnancy.html

Once you are on the website, there are 5 pictures of us on there. The first one is on the third row in the middle. The second one is the 5th one down on the left-hand column. The two pictures directly below that are ours, and the very bottom row in the center is us again. The very last picture was one of our least favorites... for a myriad of reasons (the main one being the pose itself), but apparently the photographer liked it.

With all of that being said, click on the link, leave the room, grab a cup of coffee, maybe have a little snack, run some errands, etc., then go back and the page should be loaded. I hope you are able to see the pictures and enjoy them!

Love you guys!!


JP2E said...

Did you really think we would not be able to identify you among the other expectant parents?
Say HI to my little sister and tell her we all welcome her to the grandparent fraternity. Have fun while she is there...

JP2E said...

By the way; The photo site came up quick and easy.
Interesting pix, this is something new for me. Kinda' cool to have pregnancy photos...