We made Beignets!!! (Authentic Cafe Du Monde Beignets, at that!!)
Here, Bryan's preparing to roll out the dough:
Here, Bryan is rolling out the dough:
And, dropping them into the oil to fry them:
A little powdered sugar to top them off:
Maddy wasn't too sure about the first bite, but I assure you that she was in HEAVEN after this bite!!
Even Maddy got in on the action, and "helped" with the dishes:
Since our big breakfast, not a whole lot has happened at our house. I'm beginning to make some of the plans for Maddy's Big Weekend!! I'm getting very excited about it, and, admittedly, a little overwhelmed. I know it'll be PERFECT, though!! :) I'm making lists (something that I am very good at), and giving myself some deadlines!!
Maddy is battling another ear infection, too. We were not able to see our regular doctor, but we got in to see the nurse practitioner. She said that I caught this one very early. She gave us some antibiotics (the not-so-nummy pink stuff), and Maddy is feeling better already!! All 4 of her one-year molars have broken through her gums now (as of last night). I'm hoping we'll get to take a little break from teething now. He canines should be next. She has 12 of her 20 baby teeth now! Crazy, huh??
Oh well... I guess that's about it for now! I hope to blog again soon with some new pictures. They're all on my phone, though, so I'll have to transfer them to the computer before I can put them on the blog (as I'm too cheap at the moment to buy what I need to be able to upload them to the Internet directly from the phone)!! :)
Love you guys!!
Maddy is certainly a baby ahead of her time! I love how she helps with the dishes. Bryan is a good cook - just looking at those delicious morsel makes my mouth water. Yum
t be pretty easy for you. (Just kidding!) It must be nice to settle into a home life routine.
I made whole wheat blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning when I got home from the Station, and they were pretty good. I haven't had beignets in forever, they looked yummy too!
I think there may be a blogger ap that you can download... I don't know if that is the one you meant or not, but it may let you circumvent this little problem copernicus.
Also, while running from the truck to the station yesterday AM (I wasn't late, it was pouring rain!) I dropped my phone in a puddle. It may be iPhone time for me now too. It finally dried out and seems to be working, but we may just go ahead and get it over with haha. Talk to you later. I need to get my blog sorted out...
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