I am going to kill 2 birds with one stone with this blog.
(1) Here are this week's pictures... Maddy and I are still rockin' right along. We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday this week, so hopefully we'll have something to report.
(2) In response to my mom's blog... My BEST childhood memory is... Drumroll, please....
...moving Chris into his dorm at Ole Miss. While this may sound like a sad time, and don't get me wrong, I was definitely sad when we left him, BUT... We drove down to Oxford the night before we were to move him into his dorm, and stayed the night in a hotel. The hotel was AWFUL!! It was dirty, scuzzy, run down... Ok, you get the picture. It certainly WAS NOT the Hilton by ANY means. While, again, this may sound like a terrible experience, we had such a GREAT time that night!! Since we got one room, and there were 2 full size beds, Chris and I had to share a bed. Again, another, "down-side" to this trip, but he and I made the best of it, and actually got in trouble for laughing and goofing off too much that night. I guess the moral of this story is that even when our family was faced with some less-than-desireable conditions, we always made the best of them!! I LOVE MY FAMILY, and I wish that I didn't live so far away from them now!! I miss you guys! I hope that Bryan and I can give Maddy a childhood full of great memories, and I hope that our family continues to make good memories through the years and over the miles that separate us!!!
Love you guys!!
Talk to you later! :)
Sometime the worst than ideal memories are the ones that stand out. Coping with a bad situation is sometime very memorable.
Thanks for the pix. Luck on your visit this week.
I don't remember the bed sharing part, but I do remember the nasty hotel room.
So far I have the 11th off and am working on the 14th and 17th, but nothing yet. Sorry for the last minute plans still!
I remember that trip as well.....because everyone was moving in that weekend, there were no rooms to be had....I don't know why we waited so long to figure this out, but we ended up definitely on the short end of that stick. It was definitely an "interesting" weekend for all of us!!! Thanks for sharing...I hope others will follow suit. You look great in your photos. Can't wait to hear what the Dr. says tomorrow. Love ya!!
Love the continuing picture record of your progress. I think you are ready. Lots of luck on your next visit.
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