HAPPY 4th ANNIVERSARY to Chris and April!! I'm so excited for you guys! It doesn't even feel like 4 years (at least to me it doesn't... you may feel differently. LoL!)
Today's doctor visit went better than the last one... We have actually made a little progress towards D-Day. While it isn't MAJOR progress, something is better than nothing! The doctor also told me that she will not let us go past 1 week overdue before she induces labor. That being said, we know that Maddy will be here by October 17!!! The surprise factor is still there, but at least this way the surprise won't be that it's Thanksgiving and she's still not here. :) She also felt Maddy through my belly and told me that she believes her to be between 7 and 7.5 pounds already!! That scares me a little because everything you read says that at this stage of the game, the baby will gain 1/2 an ounce EVERYDAY. That means that between now and the due date, we're looking at about another pound!!! WHOA BABY!! She asked if either of us were big babies, and I told her that Bryan's mom told me that he was 9 pounds when he was born. The doctor looked at Bryan and told him that this was his fault. LoL. I thought that was pretty funny! She had a hard time tracking down the heartbeat because Maddy was moving around so much. She would find it, then Maddy would move, so she'd have to search again. It was pretty funny. Our next appointment is next Monday afternoon, so hopefully we'll have MORE good news next week!!
Yesterday I picked up the diaper bag that I had monogrammed last week. I took this one in to get monogrammed the day that I received the package from my college friends with the ADORABLE diaper bag they sent. Now I have 2 to choose from (well, 3 if you count the boring one the hospital gave us at our childbirthing class...) Here's a picture of the one I had monogrammed:
I finally put together the Pack 'n' Play that my mom's friend Donna got for us. It was a BUGGER to put together, but it's done now, so I can rest easy. It, however, will reside in the living room until Bryan can help me. I got it all put together, then realized that it wouldn't fit through the doorway of Maddy's room. Since it was such a big job, I plan to leave it assembled until he gets a chance to look at it. Then, we'll fold it up to put it away. Isn't it cute??
Well, I think that just about covers it for tonight. Bryan is flying, but will be home later tonight. He told me what phone number I can call if I need him. If I call the number, they will contact him on the plane, land the plane and send him home. I feel much better knowing that I can get in touch with him if need be. I'm sure we'll be fine tonight though, so don't worry...
I hope everyone has a good rest of the week!
Love you guys!! :)
Very informative blog!! Everything seems to be moving along according to plan!! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Keep on doing well!! Love you!!
Thanks for the well wishes sis. I am glad to hear that things are going so well for you. That is pretty cool that they can get Bryan back PDQ if needed. Hopefully it won't come to that. I also hope you have your baby on time, as it stands now I may have to be home by the 17th! I'm still working on getting that day off too, but so far no luck, just the 11th and 14th, so depending on April's schedule we could be leaving to head your way as early as the 9th. Just FYI.
Yay for progress! And the diaper bag is super cute; plus I find it insanely funny (and typical) that we both came up with the idea to put "M is for Maddy" on something! Good luck with the progression!
Happy things are progressing well.
Time is flying by!!!
Looking forward to the first PIX of Maddy. I guess your next one can be born on my birthday.
James Patrick is still a great name - keep that in mind...
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