Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Ok, so I know that I said I'd blog after my doctor's appointment on Monday, but, to be honest, not too much happened, so I didn't really have much to say. No progress has been made towards delivery, although I was told that "we're getting close" to progress being made. I think I know what that means, and I think it's good news, but it wasn't the news I was expecting. Oh well... As my dad would say, "it is what it is...". No worries, though. I have full confidence that Maddy will be here before her 12th birthday. LoL. No, really, she can't stay in there forever, so I'm sure she'll be here whenever she's good and ready!! :)

I, also, have decided that she is going to come out with an afro and bell bottom jeans. When she moves now (which is OFTEN), it feels like the lava in a lava lamp looks... Who knows?!?! Maybe she'll be SUPER laid back. Not sure who that trait would have come from as neither Bryan nor I are SUPER laid back. Bryan is pretty laid back, but not THAT much.

To totally change the subject...

As it's been previously mentioned in a couple of other blogs, tomorrow is September 11th. This is a day that my generation will always remember as well. This is the first day in the history of my life that seems to deserve the "where were you when you found out" question. None of us were around for any of the other major events in American history. While that is a neat thing to be able to say, "I know that I was in XX place when I found out", I sure hope that none of us EVER experience this again. September 11th was a very eerie day. I know I will never forget the events of that day, and the uncertainty and nervousness I felt about what was happening in our country. I'm proud to say that I, while it may be indirect, am playing a small role in protecting the freedom of our country. More-so Bryan is the one that is playing the larger role of protection so that you and I can be here in our comfy homes and comfy beds every day and night. For that, I thank him and the other soldiers. I also thank those of you that have written blogs commenting on our soldiers... whether it was a recent blog or one from previous months. Your support helps the soldiers and their families make it through things like deployments. Ok... now I'm just rambling.

Back to Maddy... My next appointment will be 2 weeks from the last one, so not this coming Monday, but the next one. I know I'll probably blog on Sunday with some updated pictures, then again the following Sunday (all before the doctor's appointment), so, for now, I suppose the best I can do is just tell everyone to assume that no news is good news at this point!! Keep Maddy in your prayers, though. She's a movin' and a shakin' (not so much in the literal sense... we don't want to hurt her), but we all know that things can change VERY quickly with a fragile little life! :)

Oh, wait! One more little story. Last night my very good friend from college, Leslie, called to talk with me about her plans to come visit us in November. While we were talking, she suggested that she and I go out on the Saturday night that she's here. She told me that she wanted to go out... just the two of us... and leave Maddy home with Bryan. I agreed, but she asked that I talk to Bryan about it first. So, later on last night I talked with Bryan about it, and told him that while she is here, we'd like to go out... just the 2 of us. I asked if that was okay with him. He told me that was fine, but gave me a funny look as if to ask "why are you asking my permission??". I reminded him that if Leslie and I go out to dinner, he will have to BABYSIT. He got a funny little smirk on his face, and had a bit of an "ah-ha" moment. It was a pretty cute moment we had. LoL. I think maybe it's starting to set in with him. LoL.

Ok, now I think I'll REALLY let everyone go. Not too sure why I got so wordy tonight, but... I DID! :)

Talk to you later!!

Love you guys!!


Peggie said...

Cute story about Bryan "babysitting". I know it'll all sink in, once Maddy gets here!!! LOL Thank you for sharing Bryan with us and the rest of the country. The part you play is just as important to our freedom as the part he plays. Keep us posted on your progress. Talk to you soon. Love ya!!

Big Jim said...

I have been around for several dynamic moments in American history, such as December 7th, 1941 and others. Today still brings tears to my eyes because of the devastation it caused.
My hat is off to Bryan and all who serve our country so that we mat live free.
Good blog.

Mike 2e said...

I too would like to offer a huge Thank You to Bryan and all the men and women who provide us our freedom every day.
As for the laid back Maddy, it reminds me of Hannah's birth. Not to bumm you out, but she was two weeks late and had no plans of being born on her own. She was induced. I'm sure Maddy will not be late.

Bill T said...

You sound ready for Maddy to make her grand enterance. It will all come when it is time.

If people like you did not share people like Bryan the rest of us could not sleep as well at night. Thanks to both of you.

JP2E said...

Thanks to both of you for your service.
I know I will always remember 9/11.
I can still remember the sisters and mother-superior coming into our class room to tell us that president Kennedy had been assassinated. I felt it all again on September 11th...

Sue said...

So many wonderful memories yet to be made by Miss Maddy.