Love you guys!! :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
And Now...
... a word from Maddy on housework...
Mommy decided that the house needed to be vacuumed today. She didn't want to wake me, so she waited until I was awake and put me in the carrier on her belly. Check us out:

I, of course, promptly fell asleep:

Mommy also wanted to show you the bandana she made for Nash... It says "I am the big brother". Doesn't he look great?!?!

Oh well... The construction workers next door have woken me up AGAIN, so Mommy needs to get me and try to get me back to sleep!!
We'll talk to everyone later!
Love you guys!! :)
Mommy decided that the house needed to be vacuumed today. She didn't want to wake me, so she waited until I was awake and put me in the carrier on her belly. Check us out:
I, of course, promptly fell asleep:
Mommy also wanted to show you the bandana she made for Nash... It says "I am the big brother". Doesn't he look great?!?!
Oh well... The construction workers next door have woken me up AGAIN, so Mommy needs to get me and try to get me back to sleep!!
We'll talk to everyone later!
Love you guys!! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tummy Time...
... wore us out today!
Check out a few pictures from Tummy Time today. Poor Maddy fell asleep after I'd rolled her over. She got pretty frustrated on her belly, so I rolled her over as to not make her TOO mad. As you can see in the pictures, she and Nash had had ENOUGH. LoL.

Have a great rest of the day everyone!!! Love you guys! :)
Check out a few pictures from Tummy Time today. Poor Maddy fell asleep after I'd rolled her over. She got pretty frustrated on her belly, so I rolled her over as to not make her TOO mad. As you can see in the pictures, she and Nash had had ENOUGH. LoL.
Have a great rest of the day everyone!!! Love you guys! :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I believe we may have a colicky baby in our house. Every night from about 9:45 until 11:00 we cry uncontrollably (sometimes Mommy is even tempted to join in)!! Here's what my book "What to Expect the First Year" says about colic:
* Most often these crying fits occur in the evening... Yep...
* Baby seems inconsolable... Check...
* Crying turns to screaming... You betcha...
* May last up to three hours... Thank God we're at just over an hour every night...
* Most often colicky periods recur daily... Yeppers...
* Baby with textbook case of colic pulls her knees up, clenches her fists, and generally increases activity... You wouldn't believe how accurate this description is...
* She closes her eyes tightly, furrows her brows, even holds her breath... Again, right on...
* Confused as to whether she's hungry or not... Check...
* Dozes for a few moments only to awaken screaming... False hope of falling asleep every time. LoL...
* Colic generally begins during the second or third week of life... Maddy will be three weeks old tomorrow...
* And usually gets as bad as it's going to get by six weeks... OH BOY!!
* Usually diminishes by twelve weeks... YEEESSSS!!!
Bryan and I feel better just having diagnosed this. It makes it a little easier to swallow. We at least know that there is an end in sight every night. We also feel fortunate that it's only an hour or so, and that it's during hours that we may normally be awake anyway. I suppose this is all just part of it. She's so good all day, then bedtime comes around and we pace... and pace... and pace. LoL. So, while you're falling asleep tonight, peacefully, you can rest assured that we're pacing. HaHaHa.
On another note... I think Nash may be sick, too. He's been laying around a lot, which we attributed to the fact that we've had so many house guests as of lately. He has been putting himself to bed around 9:45 or 10 every night... which we attributed to Maddy's colic (poor guy can't stand to listen to her cry). He's been coughing a little, but we thought that was allergies. Last night we gave him a rawhide (which he normally devours in an hour or so) that he didn't even finish, then Bryan fed him breakfast this morning, and he hardly touched it. For those of you that have witnessed Nash's eating habits, you know that the fact that his breakfast is still in his bowl as I write this, something ain't right. We're going to wait it out tonight to see how he's doing, then go from there. The coughing seems to have ceased, but now the no eating thing has us a little worried. I brought him a handful of food a little while ago, which he ate. Who knows?? I just hope that I don't have to juggle baby in carrier and Nash on the leash at the vet. That will make for an interesting day... to say the least!!
Oh well... I think I'm going to relax for a few minutes before Maddy wakes up from her nap.
Love you guys!!
* Most often these crying fits occur in the evening... Yep...
* Baby seems inconsolable... Check...
* Crying turns to screaming... You betcha...
* May last up to three hours... Thank God we're at just over an hour every night...
* Most often colicky periods recur daily... Yeppers...
* Baby with textbook case of colic pulls her knees up, clenches her fists, and generally increases activity... You wouldn't believe how accurate this description is...
* She closes her eyes tightly, furrows her brows, even holds her breath... Again, right on...
* Confused as to whether she's hungry or not... Check...
* Dozes for a few moments only to awaken screaming... False hope of falling asleep every time. LoL...
* Colic generally begins during the second or third week of life... Maddy will be three weeks old tomorrow...
* And usually gets as bad as it's going to get by six weeks... OH BOY!!
* Usually diminishes by twelve weeks... YEEESSSS!!!
Bryan and I feel better just having diagnosed this. It makes it a little easier to swallow. We at least know that there is an end in sight every night. We also feel fortunate that it's only an hour or so, and that it's during hours that we may normally be awake anyway. I suppose this is all just part of it. She's so good all day, then bedtime comes around and we pace... and pace... and pace. LoL. So, while you're falling asleep tonight, peacefully, you can rest assured that we're pacing. HaHaHa.
On another note... I think Nash may be sick, too. He's been laying around a lot, which we attributed to the fact that we've had so many house guests as of lately. He has been putting himself to bed around 9:45 or 10 every night... which we attributed to Maddy's colic (poor guy can't stand to listen to her cry). He's been coughing a little, but we thought that was allergies. Last night we gave him a rawhide (which he normally devours in an hour or so) that he didn't even finish, then Bryan fed him breakfast this morning, and he hardly touched it. For those of you that have witnessed Nash's eating habits, you know that the fact that his breakfast is still in his bowl as I write this, something ain't right. We're going to wait it out tonight to see how he's doing, then go from there. The coughing seems to have ceased, but now the no eating thing has us a little worried. I brought him a handful of food a little while ago, which he ate. Who knows?? I just hope that I don't have to juggle baby in carrier and Nash on the leash at the vet. That will make for an interesting day... to say the least!!
Oh well... I think I'm going to relax for a few minutes before Maddy wakes up from her nap.
Love you guys!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
24 Hours and Counting
About 24 hours ago Bryan, Maddy and I dropped my parents off at the airport thus leaving us ALL ON OUR OWN. I am thrilled to report that the last 24 hours have gone very well. Maddy slept for a pretty long while after we got home. When she woke up, she was awake for most of the rest of the evening. Bryan and I took her and Nash for a short walk to get everyone a little fresh air. About 8:30 we all played on the floor for a bit. 9:00 (just like every other night) was bathtime. Then, we had a bedtime snack. Then Maddy got fussy. Bryan really wanted to take a turn at calming her down, but after about 45 minutes of her crying (and Maddy getting progressively more upset), I asked if I could take a turn. My main concern was that the more upset she got the longer it would take to get her calmed down. After I tried for about 20 minutes to no avail, we decided that she had a belly ache (a common occurrence in our house), so we gave her a dose of Mylacon (aka: Magic in a bottle), and she was down for the count. She fell asleep about 11 and slept until 3 AM (count 'em... 4 hours) then slept again until almost 7 AM (another 4 hours), then again until about 9:15!!! I feel pretty refreshed today. 4 hours of sleep at a time does WONDERS.
Maddy was pretty much awake from 9:15 until 1:15. I think this was partly due to the fact that she slept so well last night, but the construction crew next door didn't help ONE BIT. Right about the time they left (not sure if it's just for lunch or for the day), Maddy finally decided it was time for a nap. Hence, my blogging at this moment. I would also like to report that I was able to eat breakfast and lunch AND take a shower... not to mention that I've washed, dried and folded one load of laundry. I have another load in the dryer, another in the washer and 2 more "on deck". I'm thinking I might have a pretty decent handle on this whole Mom thing. LoL. Okay, okay, so it's only day one, but at least day one hasn't been a total disaster.
Now, what to do for dinner?? I guess once Bryan gets home he IS going to want to eat. LoL.
I hope that everyone is having a good week thus far!
We miss you Mom and Dad. Come back whenever you're ready!! We'll be ready!! :)
Love to everyone!!
Maddy was pretty much awake from 9:15 until 1:15. I think this was partly due to the fact that she slept so well last night, but the construction crew next door didn't help ONE BIT. Right about the time they left (not sure if it's just for lunch or for the day), Maddy finally decided it was time for a nap. Hence, my blogging at this moment. I would also like to report that I was able to eat breakfast and lunch AND take a shower... not to mention that I've washed, dried and folded one load of laundry. I have another load in the dryer, another in the washer and 2 more "on deck". I'm thinking I might have a pretty decent handle on this whole Mom thing. LoL. Okay, okay, so it's only day one, but at least day one hasn't been a total disaster.
Now, what to do for dinner?? I guess once Bryan gets home he IS going to want to eat. LoL.
I hope that everyone is having a good week thus far!
We miss you Mom and Dad. Come back whenever you're ready!! We'll be ready!! :)
Love to everyone!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy Early Halloween!!
I just wanted to share a couple of pictures in her Halloween costume. She's a reindoe this year, as reindeer are boys. Maddy's birthday buddy, our friend Breezy, and her husband Mike bought this sleeper for her just before she was born, and we thought it would make a PERFECT Halloween costume! Bryan's squadron had a "trunk 'n' treat" at which the kids were all invited to jump in bouncy houses, enjoy a potluck dinner, play some games and trick or treat out of everyone's car trunks in the parking lot. While Maddy couldn't participate in any of these activities, we went just to show her off (and get some dinner). So, without further adieu, here are some pictures of Miss Maddy in her costume:

Am I not the most adorable little girl ever?!?!
I'd also like to take a moment to note that after a bit of a rough day (I think we had a belly ache all day), Miss Maddy slept from 10:45 PM until 4:00 AM, then again until now (she's still sleeping, and it's 8:15 AM). I'll have to wake her up soon so she can eat, but I'm LOVING this!!
Have a great day everyone!!! :)

Am I not the most adorable little girl ever?!?!
I'd also like to take a moment to note that after a bit of a rough day (I think we had a belly ache all day), Miss Maddy slept from 10:45 PM until 4:00 AM, then again until now (she's still sleeping, and it's 8:15 AM). I'll have to wake her up soon so she can eat, but I'm LOVING this!!
Have a great day everyone!!! :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Couple of New Pictures
In case you haven't seen enough of her yet (and how could you??), here are a few more pictures of Miss Maddy...
Nash and Maddy shared some floor time the other night. I think everyone is beginning to "peacefully coexist"...

Maddy also wanted to model her new fleece sleeper. It got a little chilly today, so we got her all snuggled up...

We went to the doctor again today for a weight check, and Maddy has pass the 8 pound mark now. She was 8.2 pounds, so she's gained about 12 ounces in the last 2 weeks!! She's also grown about an inch and a half. Who knew?!?! She's THRIVING!! I couldn't be more excited!! We're all doing very well. I'm a little tired, but hanging in there just fine. My dad will be getting here tomorrow evening. I'm super stinkin excited about that. It's sort of a double-edged sword, though. He'll get here tomorrow night, but he is taking my mom home with him on Sunday. I've LOVED having her here. She's been such a HUGE help. I know it's time for me to put on my "big girl panties" and make it on my own, but it's been GREAT to have her here. At least Bryan is still home to be an extra set of hands. :)
Ok, well, while Maddy is taking a nap, I think I'll rest for a few minutes! Talk to everyone later!
Love you guys!
Nash and Maddy shared some floor time the other night. I think everyone is beginning to "peacefully coexist"...
Maddy also wanted to model her new fleece sleeper. It got a little chilly today, so we got her all snuggled up...
We went to the doctor again today for a weight check, and Maddy has pass the 8 pound mark now. She was 8.2 pounds, so she's gained about 12 ounces in the last 2 weeks!! She's also grown about an inch and a half. Who knew?!?! She's THRIVING!! I couldn't be more excited!! We're all doing very well. I'm a little tired, but hanging in there just fine. My dad will be getting here tomorrow evening. I'm super stinkin excited about that. It's sort of a double-edged sword, though. He'll get here tomorrow night, but he is taking my mom home with him on Sunday. I've LOVED having her here. She's been such a HUGE help. I know it's time for me to put on my "big girl panties" and make it on my own, but it's been GREAT to have her here. At least Bryan is still home to be an extra set of hands. :)
Ok, well, while Maddy is taking a nap, I think I'll rest for a few minutes! Talk to everyone later!
Love you guys!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Busy Little Girl
Maddy has been a busy little girl since we last blogged. Yesterday, we went to the

for the first time. I think Maddy thoroughly enjoyed her visit. What do you think?!?!

Her favorite exhibit was the flamingos, so she and I posed for a picture with them:

We also posed with the giraffes:

The bear was also very cooperative of his portrait being taken:

After the zoo, a nap and some food, it was time for some "tummy time". This is a new-ish thing that you are encouraged to do with infants since they must sleep on their backs now. The purpose is to encourage them to push themselves up and hold their heads up. Eventually, it will also allow them to learn to roll over on their own. My little girl rolled over ALL ON HER OWN last night. This was not just a one-time thing, either. We thought it was a fluke the first time, but she did it about 5 or 6 times before she was all tuckered out again. Check her out on her "tummy time" mat:

I posed with her for another picture:

And LOOK!! She rolled over!!!

And Daddy really wanted her picture taken with Nash. This was the best we could get:

I'll leave you with one, last picture. Earlier in the weekend, Maddy and I had just about as much fun as we could stand. This was the end result:

I guess that's about it for now. I'll post more pictures as we have more adventures. Grandpop (my dad) will be here Thursday evening, so I'm sure there will be LOTS to blog about then!!
Love you guys!!
Have a great week!! :)
for the first time. I think Maddy thoroughly enjoyed her visit. What do you think?!?!
Her favorite exhibit was the flamingos, so she and I posed for a picture with them:
We also posed with the giraffes:
The bear was also very cooperative of his portrait being taken:
After the zoo, a nap and some food, it was time for some "tummy time". This is a new-ish thing that you are encouraged to do with infants since they must sleep on their backs now. The purpose is to encourage them to push themselves up and hold their heads up. Eventually, it will also allow them to learn to roll over on their own. My little girl rolled over ALL ON HER OWN last night. This was not just a one-time thing, either. We thought it was a fluke the first time, but she did it about 5 or 6 times before she was all tuckered out again. Check her out on her "tummy time" mat:
I posed with her for another picture:
And LOOK!! She rolled over!!!
And Daddy really wanted her picture taken with Nash. This was the best we could get:
I'll leave you with one, last picture. Earlier in the weekend, Maddy and I had just about as much fun as we could stand. This was the end result:
I guess that's about it for now. I'll post more pictures as we have more adventures. Grandpop (my dad) will be here Thursday evening, so I'm sure there will be LOTS to blog about then!!
Love you guys!!
Have a great week!! :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Maddy Says...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Just an Update
Hi everyone! This is just an update on our little family. We are all doing very well. We had to sadly say see-you-later to Chris and April around lunchtime today. They are starting their drive home, with a planned stop about halfway home (somewhere around Texarkana). Let's all say a little prayer for them that they make it home safe and sound!! I'd like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the two of them!! I know that the drive was less-than-fun, and it took some coordination of schedules for them to be here, and we TRULY appreciate it!! It was so great to see them! I was sorry that they had to go home today, but I do understand that life has to go on!! Thank you, though!
Tomorrow is Maddy's one-week doctor's appointment. Can you believe it?!?! She's already a week old!! As cliched as it may sound, time is already flying by. She just better not grow up TOO fast!!
Last night she did GREAT! I had a little trouble getting her to sleep, but once she was asleep, she slept for SEVEN hours!!!! I woke up because Nash was stirring around. I let her sleep a little longer, then woke her up. The doctor says she needs to eat every 2 - 3 hours, but I just can't wake her up all night to eat. She always lets me know if she's hungry!!!
To answer your question Uncle Bill, Nash has done MARVELOUSLY with Maddy. The first time we introduced Nash to Maddy, he nosed her a little hard, but very quickly learned that he has to be gentle with her. Most of the time he just lets her co-exist. The rest of the time, he sniffs her just a little, and if he gets too close (or I get nervous), we just tell him to "leave it" and he leaves her alone!! I have been SO proud of him!! He did great with Chris and April (I'll let one of them blog about their adventures with Nash), and is adjusting well!!!
I think I'll leave you with a few of the family photos we took yesterday afternoon...
This is Maddy taking a little siesta in her crib. She's been doing most of her sleeping in the cradle that my Grandpop (known to her as Great Grandpop) made when Chris was born. This one time we put her in the crib, and this is how she slept:

This is, obviously, our new little family:

This is our family including the K-9 Companion. Doesn't he look thrilled about the way life is going?!?!

Here are the siblings, spouses and grandchild... Everyone looks so happy... Wonder what was so funny??? :)

And here are Grandmom & Maddy...

Finally is a shot of all the girls (complete with a big yawn from Maddy... Picture-taking is hard work!!)...

I hope you've enjoyed seeing some pictures of us all. I'll keep postin' them as we take more!!
Love you guys! I hope your week is going well!! :)
Tomorrow is Maddy's one-week doctor's appointment. Can you believe it?!?! She's already a week old!! As cliched as it may sound, time is already flying by. She just better not grow up TOO fast!!
Last night she did GREAT! I had a little trouble getting her to sleep, but once she was asleep, she slept for SEVEN hours!!!! I woke up because Nash was stirring around. I let her sleep a little longer, then woke her up. The doctor says she needs to eat every 2 - 3 hours, but I just can't wake her up all night to eat. She always lets me know if she's hungry!!!
To answer your question Uncle Bill, Nash has done MARVELOUSLY with Maddy. The first time we introduced Nash to Maddy, he nosed her a little hard, but very quickly learned that he has to be gentle with her. Most of the time he just lets her co-exist. The rest of the time, he sniffs her just a little, and if he gets too close (or I get nervous), we just tell him to "leave it" and he leaves her alone!! I have been SO proud of him!! He did great with Chris and April (I'll let one of them blog about their adventures with Nash), and is adjusting well!!!
I think I'll leave you with a few of the family photos we took yesterday afternoon...
This is Maddy taking a little siesta in her crib. She's been doing most of her sleeping in the cradle that my Grandpop (known to her as Great Grandpop) made when Chris was born. This one time we put her in the crib, and this is how she slept:
This is, obviously, our new little family:
This is our family including the K-9 Companion. Doesn't he look thrilled about the way life is going?!?!
Here are the siblings, spouses and grandchild... Everyone looks so happy... Wonder what was so funny??? :)
And here are Grandmom & Maddy...
Finally is a shot of all the girls (complete with a big yawn from Maddy... Picture-taking is hard work!!)...
I hope you've enjoyed seeing some pictures of us all. I'll keep postin' them as we take more!!
Love you guys! I hope your week is going well!! :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
First Bath
Today Maddy was introduced to bath time. I'm sure as she gets a little older, she'll appreciate a nice, warm bubble bath. As of now, she feels, well.. I'll let you be the judge:

Uncle Chris helped take my band aids off from my heel stick and my Vitamin K shot that was in my leg.

Other than that, I just kind of hung out today...

Just thought I'd update everyone on Maddy... She's doing GREAT!! I'm doing well... Talk to you again soon!!
Love you guys!
Uncle Chris helped take my band aids off from my heel stick and my Vitamin K shot that was in my leg.
Other than that, I just kind of hung out today...
Just thought I'd update everyone on Maddy... She's doing GREAT!! I'm doing well... Talk to you again soon!!
Love you guys!
Friday, October 10, 2008
And the winner is...
A near tie... The following folks guessed the correct date, and their weight guesses are also listed. Please keep in mind that her weight was 7 pounds 8 ounces...
Kelly guessed 7 pounds 10 ounces
Heather guessed 7 pounds 11 ounces
Chris guessed 8 pounds 8 ounces
Uncle Dennis guessed 6 pounds even
My mom guessed 6 pounds even
I have to say that I consider Kelly and Heather as a tie!! Congrats ladies. Maddy sends her love (and a dirty diaper for each of you the next time we see each other!!)
We had a very good first night at home. Maddy slept from midnight until 5 AM then again from 6 AM until 8:30 AM. I feel pretty fortunate. I know that she's had a big couple of days, so I don't hold out that this will continue forever, but, for now at least, we will take advantage of these long-ish nights of sleep!!
I would also like to point out that I have kept the 12's thing going. Chris, you messed it up, but I'm trying to get it back on track. My mom was 12 when Uncle Mike was born. Uncle Mike was 12 when Chris was born. Chris was 12 when Hannah was born. I was 12 when Heather was born, and, if I'm not mistaken, Heather is currently 12. Crazy, huh?!?! Wonder if that will continue?!?!
Here are a couple of pictures of our little bundle from today:

Happy weekend everyone!! Love you guys!! :)
Kelly guessed 7 pounds 10 ounces
Heather guessed 7 pounds 11 ounces
Chris guessed 8 pounds 8 ounces
Uncle Dennis guessed 6 pounds even
My mom guessed 6 pounds even
I have to say that I consider Kelly and Heather as a tie!! Congrats ladies. Maddy sends her love (and a dirty diaper for each of you the next time we see each other!!)
We had a very good first night at home. Maddy slept from midnight until 5 AM then again from 6 AM until 8:30 AM. I feel pretty fortunate. I know that she's had a big couple of days, so I don't hold out that this will continue forever, but, for now at least, we will take advantage of these long-ish nights of sleep!!
I would also like to point out that I have kept the 12's thing going. Chris, you messed it up, but I'm trying to get it back on track. My mom was 12 when Uncle Mike was born. Uncle Mike was 12 when Chris was born. Chris was 12 when Hannah was born. I was 12 when Heather was born, and, if I'm not mistaken, Heather is currently 12. Crazy, huh?!?! Wonder if that will continue?!?!
Here are a couple of pictures of our little bundle from today:
Happy weekend everyone!! Love you guys!! :)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Welcome to the World
Madelyn Grace Williams finally made her grand appearance at 1:28 PM on October 8, 2008!! Everything went extremely well. Everyone is happy and healthy. As soon as we have our 4 PM vitals taken and everything checks out okay, we'll be on our way home. My mom got here about 30 minutes ago, so I think I'll go visit with her, but first, here are a couple of pictures of our newest addition:

I hope everyone enjoys the pictures!! We're all doing great and hope to go home soon!!
Love you guys!! :)
I hope everyone enjoys the pictures!! We're all doing great and hope to go home soon!!
Love you guys!! :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Still No News...
Well, after our doctor's visit today, we were left pretty hopeless that Maddy will be here before she enters high school. The doctor said that no progress has been made, still. She put us on the books for a scheduled induction (she'll induce labor to see if that works) on Friday, October 17. Worst case scenario, Maddy will be here that day. At least we know for sure that she'll be here at some point. She seems to be pretty content where she is. Her heartbeat still sounds great. She's still moving around a lot. I'm starting to think that she really loves me, and isn't ready to face the world. While I love her to pieces, and do not want to share her with anyone, I am ready to meet her already! I suppose that she'll be here when she gets here, though!! If mother nature doesn't take over, however, she'll be here on the 17th whether she likes it or not!! :)
Moving on...
I was looking at the "Guess the Date & Then the Weight" game pieces, and so far I know a couple of folks who, unfortunately for them, are out of the running...
**Aunt Doreen with her guess of October 3
**Ms. Mary Jo with her guess of October 3
**Aunt Sue with her guess of October 5
Jessa is guessing October 7. Maybe she'll be the lucky winner!! Who knows?!?! At this rate, I'm thinking that Uncle Mike's guess of October 12, 2010 might be correct!!! :)
Oh well... for now, you can consider no news as just that... nothing to report. We'll be sure to update if anything happens!
Love you guys!
Have a good week!
Moving on...
I was looking at the "Guess the Date & Then the Weight" game pieces, and so far I know a couple of folks who, unfortunately for them, are out of the running...
**Aunt Doreen with her guess of October 3
**Ms. Mary Jo with her guess of October 3
**Aunt Sue with her guess of October 5
Jessa is guessing October 7. Maybe she'll be the lucky winner!! Who knows?!?! At this rate, I'm thinking that Uncle Mike's guess of October 12, 2010 might be correct!!! :)
Oh well... for now, you can consider no news as just that... nothing to report. We'll be sure to update if anything happens!
Love you guys!
Have a good week!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We're Still Here...
Another week has come and gone... and we're still here. Not such a bad thing... Just a fact! :)
I made a short list today as I thought of things I wanted to blog about, so I'll do a couple of short little paragraphs to mention each of these items.
There was a sale this past weekend called Dittos for Kiddos. I had to make my choice between the neighborhood yard sale and this sale (which is a semi-annual consignment sale). I chose the yard sale... mostly because of the exercise factor. I had only one thing I was looking for, and decided that if I didn't find it in the neighborhood, then it wasn't meant to be... I didn't find it, so Maddy still does not have a Bumbo seat. I seriously considered shelling out the $50 for the seat and the tray that goes with it, but once I learned from a few of my friends how quickly babies out-grow this particular seat, I decided that would NOT be $50 well-spent. Hence, the looking for a used one... If I happen upon a used one, I'LL TAKE IT! I WILL NOT, however, spend $50 on something that she MIGHT be able to use until she's about 4 months old.
I had my first slightly painful contraction this evening on our walk. We've been walking a lot the past couple of days. It's something that we used to do, but it has been so stinkin' hot that it just wasn't do-able... that is, until now. It's finally cooling off a little (emphasis on "a little"), so we're getting back into it. It is also encouraging to hear that walking can help labor get started. :) Tonight, while we were walking, I had a little contraction that was uncomfortable. No where near PAINFUL, but uncomfortable. I don't know if that ONE will lead to anything tonight, but it was encouraging to know that it happened, and maybe I WILL go into labor soon!! :)
Grandpop: You asked if there was any post-graduate work lined up for Nash, and the answer actually is YES!! We learned yesterday that there is an AKC certification that dogs can get which is called the Canine Good Citizen certification. This certification is such that basically the dog is well-behaved in public settings with lots of distractions. He will allow others to pet him without jumping on them. He will allow someone else to watch him (on his leash) while we step away (out of sight) for a few minutes. All of this goes along with a few other items on a list. I would LOVE for him to be a little calmer around others. He's pretty good at home with just the two of us, but still gets VERY excited about other people, especially those that he's never met before (or hasn't seen for a while).
Chris and April are planning to be here this Thursday, and I couldn't be more excited!!! I am going to do my grocery shopping for the week tomorrow and begin getting the house ready for all of our upcoming company!!! My mom will be here on Saturday. Bryan's parents will be here the following Thursday, then my dad will be here the Thursday after that. PHEW!! That's a lot of visitors, but I'm A-OK with it!! I'm thrilled that so many people will be able to be here to share in Maddy's big arrival!!! :) Thanks guys, in advance, for your visits!! :)
Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment. I'm not sure what news to expect at this appointment. Last week I was certain that more progress had been made, but discovered that none really had, so I'd rather not jinx myself, and just say that I have no idea what to expect. If there's something to report, I'll be certain to pass the information along!! :)
Lastly, here are this week's pictures. Maddy is really starting to weigh me down. Rolling over in bed is difficult, at best. If I lay flat on my back (which isn't recommended), I feel as though I have a bowling ball laying on my belly... making it more work to breathe. I feel as though she's still happy and healthy, though. She's still movin' and shakin' on a VERY regular basis!! Her little heels are sharp, too!! :) I often feel them poking out of my sides. Here we are this week:

Shall we compare last week with this week??

Oh yeah, and did I mention that I got my hair cut?? It looks a little better when I haven't had it in a ponytail all afternoon, so maybe the next time you see it, it'll look a little better!! :)
Ok, well, I guess that's all I have for now. I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!!
Talk to you later!
Love you guys!!
I made a short list today as I thought of things I wanted to blog about, so I'll do a couple of short little paragraphs to mention each of these items.
There was a sale this past weekend called Dittos for Kiddos. I had to make my choice between the neighborhood yard sale and this sale (which is a semi-annual consignment sale). I chose the yard sale... mostly because of the exercise factor. I had only one thing I was looking for, and decided that if I didn't find it in the neighborhood, then it wasn't meant to be... I didn't find it, so Maddy still does not have a Bumbo seat. I seriously considered shelling out the $50 for the seat and the tray that goes with it, but once I learned from a few of my friends how quickly babies out-grow this particular seat, I decided that would NOT be $50 well-spent. Hence, the looking for a used one... If I happen upon a used one, I'LL TAKE IT! I WILL NOT, however, spend $50 on something that she MIGHT be able to use until she's about 4 months old.
I had my first slightly painful contraction this evening on our walk. We've been walking a lot the past couple of days. It's something that we used to do, but it has been so stinkin' hot that it just wasn't do-able... that is, until now. It's finally cooling off a little (emphasis on "a little"), so we're getting back into it. It is also encouraging to hear that walking can help labor get started. :) Tonight, while we were walking, I had a little contraction that was uncomfortable. No where near PAINFUL, but uncomfortable. I don't know if that ONE will lead to anything tonight, but it was encouraging to know that it happened, and maybe I WILL go into labor soon!! :)
Grandpop: You asked if there was any post-graduate work lined up for Nash, and the answer actually is YES!! We learned yesterday that there is an AKC certification that dogs can get which is called the Canine Good Citizen certification. This certification is such that basically the dog is well-behaved in public settings with lots of distractions. He will allow others to pet him without jumping on them. He will allow someone else to watch him (on his leash) while we step away (out of sight) for a few minutes. All of this goes along with a few other items on a list. I would LOVE for him to be a little calmer around others. He's pretty good at home with just the two of us, but still gets VERY excited about other people, especially those that he's never met before (or hasn't seen for a while).
Chris and April are planning to be here this Thursday, and I couldn't be more excited!!! I am going to do my grocery shopping for the week tomorrow and begin getting the house ready for all of our upcoming company!!! My mom will be here on Saturday. Bryan's parents will be here the following Thursday, then my dad will be here the Thursday after that. PHEW!! That's a lot of visitors, but I'm A-OK with it!! I'm thrilled that so many people will be able to be here to share in Maddy's big arrival!!! :) Thanks guys, in advance, for your visits!! :)
Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment. I'm not sure what news to expect at this appointment. Last week I was certain that more progress had been made, but discovered that none really had, so I'd rather not jinx myself, and just say that I have no idea what to expect. If there's something to report, I'll be certain to pass the information along!! :)
Lastly, here are this week's pictures. Maddy is really starting to weigh me down. Rolling over in bed is difficult, at best. If I lay flat on my back (which isn't recommended), I feel as though I have a bowling ball laying on my belly... making it more work to breathe. I feel as though she's still happy and healthy, though. She's still movin' and shakin' on a VERY regular basis!! Her little heels are sharp, too!! :) I often feel them poking out of my sides. Here we are this week:
Shall we compare last week with this week??
Oh yeah, and did I mention that I got my hair cut?? It looks a little better when I haven't had it in a ponytail all afternoon, so maybe the next time you see it, it'll look a little better!! :)
Ok, well, I guess that's all I have for now. I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!!
Talk to you later!
Love you guys!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Nash's Big Day
Today marked the end of our intermediate doggie lessons, and Nash did VERY well, once again! He seems to have really enjoyed the classes. Today, when we pulled into the parking lot at Petsmart, he was ready to turn inside out because of excitement!!
We started our day with a walk around the neighborhood. Today was the annual neighborhood yard sale, so we walked around to see if there was anything we couldn't live without. We came home empty-handed, but that's okay with both of us. The exercise was good for all three of us!
Once back home, we all took a little nap together (we set the alarm to actually get up and get moving for the sale, so we were pretty tired). We woke up, ate a little lunch, then took Nash outside to play for a few minutes.
This is when we got in the car to head to our last class. Nash had to take a little test and did pretty well... all things considered. I'm not sure if you've been to Petsmart on a Saturday, but it's a pretty busy place with LOTS of distractions. At the end of class, Nash got his certificate:

Now, we're all hanging out (and finishing off the chocolate chip cheesecake dip I made earlier this week) before Bryan and I head back out for a bit to do some shopping.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Maddy's still hanging in there. She's obviously not quite ready yet to make her grand entrance. I DID, however, look at everyone's doilies from the shower and put them in order. I'll keep an eye on them to see who "wins". Not sure what the prize will be, but if Maddy has anything to do with it, I'm sure she'd offer you a dirty diaper!! :)
Talk to everyone later! Love ya!! :)
We started our day with a walk around the neighborhood. Today was the annual neighborhood yard sale, so we walked around to see if there was anything we couldn't live without. We came home empty-handed, but that's okay with both of us. The exercise was good for all three of us!
Once back home, we all took a little nap together (we set the alarm to actually get up and get moving for the sale, so we were pretty tired). We woke up, ate a little lunch, then took Nash outside to play for a few minutes.
This is when we got in the car to head to our last class. Nash had to take a little test and did pretty well... all things considered. I'm not sure if you've been to Petsmart on a Saturday, but it's a pretty busy place with LOTS of distractions. At the end of class, Nash got his certificate:
Now, we're all hanging out (and finishing off the chocolate chip cheesecake dip I made earlier this week) before Bryan and I head back out for a bit to do some shopping.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Maddy's still hanging in there. She's obviously not quite ready yet to make her grand entrance. I DID, however, look at everyone's doilies from the shower and put them in order. I'll keep an eye on them to see who "wins". Not sure what the prize will be, but if Maddy has anything to do with it, I'm sure she'd offer you a dirty diaper!! :)
Talk to everyone later! Love ya!! :)
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