Thursday, October 30, 2008

And Now...

... a word from Maddy on housework...

Mommy decided that the house needed to be vacuumed today. She didn't want to wake me, so she waited until I was awake and put me in the carrier on her belly. Check us out:

I, of course, promptly fell asleep:

Mommy also wanted to show you the bandana she made for Nash... It says "I am the big brother". Doesn't he look great?!?!

Oh well... The construction workers next door have woken me up AGAIN, so Mommy needs to get me and try to get me back to sleep!!

We'll talk to everyone later!

Love you guys!! :)


Bill T said...

Can te Big Brother ware the carrier? I think I may be on to something.

Big Jim said...

Well, you are certainly creative. Does being in the carrier help Maddy to sleep?

JP2E said...

Are you people aware of the child labor laws?
Then again, after you went into labor the child was available to vacuum! LOL...